Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1651: Grab it with all your strength

It turned out that she was distressed, no wonder her face was not good. Luo Bi leaned softly on the man's chest and sighed: "Am I not a money fan? I feel anxious after seeing so many things, but I listen to you, it won't be like this tomorrow. .”

Soft and well-behaved, Fengling was in a relaxed mood. She lowered her head and kissed Luo Bi. She walked forward and suggested: "I will drive your sports car tomorrow. The round trip is too long. With your physical strength, you will be tired without carrying anything."

Luo Bike agreed and nodded: "I think so too."

Guan Zhuting fell behind with Mrs. Zhu and the others, followed by a group of children. These children were basically no more than five years old. They were small and carried large backpacks. They followed behind and tried not to fall behind.

Those over five years old are physically stronger than women and are already running ahead carrying a backpack.

Why would such a young child go on a mission?

Don't ask, asking is stupid and sweet, life is not easy for anyone.

When we got back to the place where the ship was parked, it was already dark, and most of the people had returned, and some people had not returned to transport supplies. Feng Ling turned around and carried Luo Bi up to the small rocky mountain. The senior officers opened a small stove, and Feng Ling gave Luo Bi the fresh and tender roasted imperial concubine pork.

Wen Yao and He Yun stopped to rest, washed their hands and ate together. They had exhausted a lot of energy during the day.

Wen Xiao approached Luo Bi: "How was your harvest today?"

Luo Bi was about to find someone to talk to, when Wen Xiao asked her and she said: "The most valuable things for Star Coins are a sage plant, pheasant eggs, and a pheasant. There are too many people, and there are good things in the woods. I can't Can't grab it."

Wen Xiao glanced at her: "Promising, you won't try hard to grab."

"I tried my best to grab it, but I couldn't get it." Luo Bi took out the dried fish and ate it: "You don't know, a group of people go crazy whenever they see something good, and they all act like they are robbing their father. I have never been able to grab it. "

With this analogy, Wen Xiao clicked his tongue and cut a piece of barbecue with a dagger to eat.

Fengling considered that the dew in the field was heavy at night, there were many mosquitoes, and it would be difficult to rest after sleeping. After dinner, she sent Luo Bi to the family team where the ship was parked, and told her to go back to Xiaoyan Mountain to fight.

The family members came back one after another, Wei Tiao was discussing going back in Luo Bi's sports car, Lan Yingying quarreled with the officer in charge of the family members.

The reason why the military department and the executive office used the spaceship to distribute supplies made Lan Yingying dissatisfied and immediately started a quarrel: "I have collected a total of three high-level spiritual plants, and I will give one to the military department. I am not working in vain, no. ,I disagree."

Qin Rong looked at the non-existent dust on his military uniform and said: "The military department has regulations for this mission. High-value materials such as spiritual plants and mountain zhi are divided into half. If you have any opinion, you can not take the military spaceship next time. "

Qin Rong didn't give Lan Yingying any face, and Lan Yingying insisted on not giving, Qin Rong really didn't let her get on the spaceship.

In the end, Lan Yingying compromised and handed over a spiritual plant to carry the supplies onto the spacecraft, and the others stopped making trouble when they saw this. As long as the military department is of high value, half of the ingredients are above the middle level, and the other miscellaneous things are ignored.

Most of the children's collections were mushrooms and the like. The military didn't care, and waved the children to board the spaceship.

After asking, Luo Bi found out that as long as no good things are harvested, the military will not share, just get on the spaceship. Some people are opportunistic and have good things to say, sorry, get out, the military is not used to this problem.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when we returned to Emerald Bamboo Star. The family members took the supplies and went home.

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