Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1654 A small fireball is enough

Hua Ran had been brewing for a long time, but he didn't move.

At this moment, others were thinking about it. The array weapons that Luo Bi refined were all coaxed and had their own little tempers. If they raised them carefully, could they also have a spiritual array weapon?

When I think about it like this, I get out of hand.

Wen Xiao stopped eating and dragged his chair closer to Luo Bi. Luo Bi seemed to be aware of this, so she also dragged her chair and leaned into Fengling. Not only did Luo Bi take action, she also kept glaring at Wen Xiao, looking unhappy.

Wen Xiao: "..." After a comparison, the chair moved in vain.

Wen Xiao simply dragged the chair back and kept a distance from each other, then expressed his thoughts and then asked for the small spoon array. He Yun and Tang Shao also spoke one after another, expressing their desire for a small spoon.

They are all acquaintances, so one person is not enough. Luo Bi thought for a moment and grabbed a small spoon. Tang Shao cleared a corner of the dining table with a hint of intelligence, and brought the dinner plate to Wu Shao's hand, while Lan Xun wiped the table with a paper towel.

Fengling Bafeng remained motionless. He knew that Luo Bi would not give him the array weapon. He could use it at any time during the battle. How could he coax Lingzhi's array weapon away? With Luo Bi's petty mind, she would never agree.

Fengling dotes on Luo Bi and has little interest in it.

Luo Bi put the small spoon array on the clean table and didn't let anyone pick. She counted enough and put away the excess: "Each person has one, and you can divide it among yourself! Whatever color you get is the color you get."

He Yun's eyes swept over the small spoon array device: "... Just keep counting, it's not enough!"

Luo Bi stood up to wash her hands and took a look: "That's enough."

Wen Yao and Wu Shao: "...!!!"

It's broken, it's broken. No wonder Smart as an Orange Spoon often makes miscalculations. Half of the 5,000 interstellar coins are 100 interstellar coins. It turns out that the roots are here with Luo Bi. There are clearly three spoons on the table, and it is impossible to divide them one by one, but Luo Bi doesn't think there is anything wrong at all? !

People are too shrewd to figure things out!

Fengling wanted to laugh or not, Wen Xiao chuckled: "You count."

There was so much to do, Luo Bi had to give up washing her hands first, grabbed three small spoons on the table, and gave them to He Yun, Tang Shao, and Xue Yue respectively: "One for each person, this is not good."

After dividing the spoons and leaving, Wen Xiao and Lan Xun were dumbfounded. Wen Xiao said, "Where's mine?"

Lan Xun hurriedly said: "Me neither."

Wen Yao had energy fireballs, so he didn't say anything, and Wu Shao didn't say anything either. It was even more impossible for Fengling to express anything. He had no chance of opening the Lingzhi array device. If he wanted a wife, he couldn't ask for the array device. To choose one of the two, Fengling decisively chose his wife.

"We'll talk about it when we get back." Luo Bi ran to wash her hands and came back and said to Wen Xiao: "You have a small fireball at home. Wen's family only needs an array device with spiritual intelligence turned on."

When Wen Xiao thought about Handkerchief Ball's temper and how he would die for you at every turn, hey, forget it, Wen's family only has the little Fire Ball. Otherwise, if one of them fails, the little fireball will die in front of the Wen family, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Although Xiao Huoqiu was not doing his job properly, his brother didn't mind. Seeing that he was rare, Wen Xiao reluctantly didn't mind.

"It's enough for me to have a small fireball at home." Wen Yao expressed his position, but Wen Xiao's ideas were also killed.

Wu Shao also expressed his opinion on the exclusion of array devices in his family: "My family only wants five spoons."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boiled egg in Wu Shao's hand fell to the ground. Wu Shao picked it up and checked it. The egg shell was broken.

Wu Shao glanced and looked away.

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