Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1656 Soup Spoon

As expected by Luo Bi, the handkerchief ball could not import superpowers.

Although Pei Jing had expected it, he still couldn't hide his disappointment. The person who was indifferent to emotions and anger passed by sadly, so fast that it was almost imperceptible.

Mr. Zhu picked up the handkerchief ball and gave it to Luo Bi. Luo Bi shook it open and put it away. In fact, he could let Archon Pei Jing try the small spoon array, but considering that neither General Qi Lan nor Bai Nanfeng had used it, The intelligent array was thrown away in a flash of thought.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue held up the small optical computer with a smile and said to the consul Pei Jing: "I don't think it is possible to introduce superpowers. Look at how good the handkerchief ball's memory is. I still remember that you didn't protect the energy golden ball and the energy wooden ball. Everything has been ruined, so how can I still recognize you?"

The consul Pei Jing glanced at Lieutenant General Mi Yue and resisted the urge to retaliate, saying that everything he said was wrong. After saying hello, Pei Jing picked up his sword and went to fight on the main battlefield. At this moment, there was chaos on Kung Fu Xiaoluo's side, and the Lei Yan warriors kept shouting.

"Let's go and take a look." Lieutenant General Mi Yue and Mr. Zhu ran towards the small bamboo basket.

"I'll go too." Luo Bi followed.

At this time, the battlefield in Xiaozhenluo was already in chaos. A bunch of river fresh food was just thrown over with a roar, and two red chicken monsters were thrown in shortly after. In addition to the original ten monsters in Xiaozhenluo, there were twelve monsters in total.

The combat team could still cope with this lineup, but within a moment, more than a dozen winged ones were thrown from Cuizhuxing. This shocked the Thunder Flame warriors. It was really stressful to deal with more than 20 monsters at once. It was too big, so Wei Yu immediately mobilized his men to fight in a hurry.

The children headed by Zhu Xingjie howled, excited and nervous, and controlled the milk bottles to attack the winged ones, while the other alien beasts and monsters were killed by the combat team. With the small bamboo basket as the center, the combat team attacked from all directions, and all kinds of supernatural powers were flying around for a while.

After killing one, the wood-type thunder flame warrior picked one out. The sergeant wiped the rain off his face and carried it towards the transport spacecraft. Lieutenant General Mi Yue quickly finished the statistics and waved his hand, and the sergeant moved to the temporary supply warehouse.

It was raining in the sky, and it was getting denser. Seeing that everyone was busy fighting, Luo Bi stopped to watch for a while, then got on the car and returned to Cuizhuxing.

The biggest harvest on the rainy day was the team on the Honghe River. With bursts of cheers, many people caught goldfish, red claw crabs and the like. Some women and children even dug up a lot of ginseng worms.

Women have no use for ginseng, and children have limited energy supplements, so they gather a certain amount and sell it in groups.

Qin Yilang, Luo Jie, and Bai Yan took the opportunity to find Luo Bi and wanted to take away three small spoon arrays and introduce superpowers to lead the battle.

As a result, they couldn't find it in the blink of an eye. The three small spoon arrays ran to the small rock mountain to look for He Yun's spoons to play with.

Tang Shao returned to Qingyao Star, followed by a bunch of spoons. Lieutenant General Mi Yue's eyes widened: "Did you rob the spoons? Be careful, Luo Bi and you are worried about kidnapping so many spoons."

"They all have owners, it's not Luo Bi's." Tang Shao pointed to an emerald green spoon and said, "My family's one is named Soup Spoon."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was surprised: "Have you opened your spiritual intelligence?"

Tang Shao: "...I don't know. You can't give a name without opening your spiritual intelligence?"

Lieutenant General Mi Yue choked for a moment: "You can take it, you can take it, the soup spoon is pretty good."

A series of small spoon arrays suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of several teams that joined, both curious and eager.

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