Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1669 It’s all blown up

Qin Cui stood aside and observed the surrounding environment: "There is no hunting team nearby. It's really clean. I wonder if there are any ingredients in the bamboo forest. Let's look for it later when we have time. Maybe we can find something good."

He Xiang had the same idea. She asked Luo Bi, "What should I do?"

On the originally calm surface of the Fenhe River, swarms of crabs and shrimps gathered, poking their pincers out of the water, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

"Wait while you and Qin Cui and Wei Zi pull the rope." Luo Bi saw the crab claws on the water and became nervous. Fortunately, there was a distance between them, so even if the crabs and crabs attacked, they couldn't hit them. After comparing the distance between the flood river and the trees on the bank, Luo Bi asked Wei Zi to take a refined rope up, pointed at a big tree and said: "Tie the other end of the rope to the tree. Remember , it must be tied firmly, this is no joke.”

"Don't worry!" Wei Zi tied one end of the rope to an armful of tree in a few seconds: "Our Wei family is a family of warriors. Both men and women have high physical fitness and strong strength. I can carry five hundred kilograms of stuff." No problem."

Luo Bi glanced at the other person's small body: "Just tie it firmly."

She grabbed the rope and pulled it, but couldn't test it. Luo Bi called to He Xiang and called Qin Cui: "You two, check whether the rope is strong. I have limited strength and can't test it. It's okay if I throw the wicker basket into the water and can't catch the river fresh food." , if you catch a shrimp or crab with strong attack power, it will be broken if it cannot be pulled and dragged into the water."

Luo Bi's words made it clear. He Xiang and Qin Cui immediately became serious. They hurriedly pulled the rope and checked the rope buckle. They repeated it several times and confirmed that it was very strong. Luo Bi couldn't trust others, so after the two of them got out of the way, she checked again.

Qin Cui said: "It's very strong."

It was the first time that He Xiang acted alone with the team. He was nervous and uneasy. He looked at the shrimps and crabs gathering on the river with a tense expression: "Luo Bi, are you going to use a wicker basket to catch river fresh food? This section of the river has never been fished before. He is an aggressive Hexian, very powerful, and we women cannot get close to him at all."

"I know that offensive river fish are very powerful." Luo Bi took out a small basket of dried mud balls from the storage bracelet, walked closer to the river, stood in a safe position where shrimps and crabs could not attack, and pinched a small mud ball: "Have you seen this little mud ball? It explodes when thrown. The attack power is not strong, but it can temporarily fool Hexian. I will throw more mud balls out. Then Wei Zi will quickly throw out the wicker basket. How many can be caught? A few."

Wei Tzu knew the power of the little mud ball. It would explode, but its attack power was indeed not strong, so he said: "Throw one first and see the effect."

Once you see the effect clearly, everyone will be more aware of it.

Luo Bi nodded, estimated the distance and prepared to throw. She knew how hard she had to throw it, and she couldn't throw it far no matter how hard she tried. What's more, she stood far away and threw it out with all her strength. At most, she threw it two or three meters into the river.

Wei Zi, He Xiang, and Qin Cui followed, nervous, hoping that the little clay ball would really have an effect.

The river was full of aggressive river fish. Luo Bi raised his hand and threw it hard, and the small mud ball flew out with a "boom" sound, causing water to splash on the river. Its power was completely beyond the expectations of several people. The shrimps and crabs that were originally showing off their power suddenly exploded out of the water.

He Xiang: "·······."

Is this a weak attack? ? ?

What would it look like if the attack power was strong?

This is a piece of fried clay, just a small ball of mud, which is strong enough.

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