Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1680 Still petty

At this time, it was not just the dozen or so families who caught river fresh food that were anxious. Other family members could not hold their breath and gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

At the Zhu family villa, Mrs. Zhu, Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Luo were discussing the feasibility of going on a mission on a rainy day. Others were scattered around talking to each other and listening. A few young people were eating, playing with small optical computers, and occasionally chiming in.

There are inherent dangers on undeveloped planets, not to mention it is a rainy day, so the discussion for most of the day did not come up with a solution.

Luo Bi was bored and said hello to go home. After entering the house, Luo Bi thought about what to eat. She's not in a hurry when she's on a mission, and she's not in a hurry when it's anyone. Catching river freshwater doesn't work on a rainy day, so at worst she'll try something else.

Before Luo Bi could figure out what to have for lunch, Lan Yingying and Jiang Qianran came to the door together.

Seeing the person coming, Luo Bi smiled and considered the possibility of turning the person away. She didn't think Lan Yingying would come to the door for no reason. She must have come for something.

No matter what Lan Yingying came for, she had no intention of letting the other party get her wish.

"Aren't you on a mission at Cuizhuxing?" Luo Bi pretended to be surprised and didn't invite anyone in. She just stood at the door of the yard and talked. She couldn't get wet in the rain, so she could talk the same thing here.

She was asking about Lan Yingying. As for Jiang Qianran? Since they were not familiar with each other, there was no reason to avoid talking to Lan Yingying and Jiang Qianran.

Jiang Qianran arranged the defensive gauze on her body. She was wearing a blue gauze, which contained intermediate defense capabilities. Just this defensive veil shows that his family background is not low, and the Jiang family is indeed a wealthy family in the Emperor Star.

Lan Yingying also straightened her defensive gauze. After hearing Luo Bi's question, she said, "Isn't it raining? The team went into the mountains and forests several times but failed to harvest anything, so we just wanted to go to the Xun River to catch river freshwater. .”

Luo Bi listened but did not answer. Lan Ying glanced at Luo Bi and continued: "I came here this time to borrow your plant defense cover. I remember the plant defense cover you used in Zizhu Star." It can be turned around, which is perfect for use on rainy days.”

It turned out that she was interested in the plant defense shield she refined. Luo Bi said without thinking: "I don't know where to throw it. You can borrow someone else's! You have many connections, so you can definitely borrow better ones."

Lan Yingying's expression changed: "What do you mean? I came to pick up your things and you asked me to borrow someone else's? We have a good relationship and I just thought of you. I returned it to you after I used it. Why are you so stingy?"

But you are right, Luo Bi is stingy and petty.

"I know you'll return it to me after you use it. I didn't say whether you borrowed it or not." Luo Bi barely looked at the two people opposite her. She borrowed things as a matter of course and said with such a big face: "I just said it, no. I know where to throw it, and I can’t even borrow it.”

At this time Jiang Qianran spoke: "Look for it. There are not many defensive covers that can turn. How can you throw them around if you don't store them properly?"

You can't control it, Luo Bi laughed: "I looked for it, but I couldn't find it."

"Look for it more carefully." Lan Yingying was unhappy, with a hint of distrust in her eyes: "Jiang Qianran and I came all the way here just to borrow a defensive cover. Other defensive covers are not as useful as yours for catching river fish on rainy days. "

It's so useful that I won't give it to you. Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh: "Didn't I count my own things? If I can't find them, I can't find them. If I find them, won't I go catch the river fish myself?"

Lan Yingying choked: "······."

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