Wen Xiao was emotional, and when Luo Bi twitched his foot, he shoveled down, dug up some soil and threw it aside, unexpectedly a chubby white ginseng worm rolled out of it.

Robbie is afraid of this stuff! He withdrew his body, hid away, and stood two meters away, staring at the white ginseng worm and shaking.

"Damn it!" Wen Xiao lost all emotion, his eyes widened.

Jiang Yixin, who was next to her, leaned over and took a look, her mouth immediately opened into an O shape: "It's actually a ginseng insect!"

"You asked us to dig ginseng?" Wen Xiao understood.

"If you know it, ask again. Let's dig." Robbie urged.

There are ginseng and insects to dig, so why bother, dig it quickly! Wen Xiao reached out to pick up the white ginseng worm and threw it into the small bucket. Jiang Yixin turned around and brushed away the thousands of grasses in front of him. Holding the shovel, he suddenly found himself in trouble: "Luo Bi, where do I get the shovel from?"

Luo Bi walked over to take a look, and poked with a twig less than an inch away from the main root of the thousand-root grass, and then poked at the position next to it: "There are both here and here, just dig."

There are two ginseng at such a close distance? Jiang Yixin was skeptical, Wen Xiao turned around and looked at Jiang Yixin digging with a shovel, but he didn't believe it either.

Jiang Yixin went down with the shovel and dug out a fleshy white ginseng worm. Wen Xiao was surprised, Jiang Yixin went down with the shovel again and dug out another white ginseng worm that was slightly smaller.

Jiang Yixin looked up at Wen Xiao in a daze. Wen Xiao was really surprised. The reason why the ginseng was hard to find was because the cave where it hid was relatively deep, and the deepest one could even reach one and a half meters. Ginseng worms usually stay at the bottom of the cave, and only climb up at night or during certain periods, but now it is broad daylight, and each of these ginseng worms has crawled to the depth where they can be dug out with a shovel. It's too rare, at least it's the first time Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin have met.

As for the reason? Who still has time to explore this now, let's dig out the ginseng first.

Luo Bi took a handful of dry and hard grass to mark nearby, and Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin quickly dug with their shovels. No hurry, they are worried that someone will find out and come over to rob them.

Wen Xiao was quite vigilant, he looked around almost as soon as he dug a shovel, afraid that others would pay attention to this side.

Luo Bi has already felt the regularity of the worm's caves, they are usually concentrated under the stems and leaves of the thousand-root grass and melon seeds, and occasionally under the ground grass. As long as you see thin cracks on the ground and small holes in the middle, there are probably worms below.

To put it bluntly, looking for ginseng wormholes is the same as looking for climbing cicadas in her previous life, that is, cicada larvae. As long as there are ginseng worms below, the soil on the ground must be different.

Robbie has sharp eyes and is quick to search. After making a certain number of marks, she shakes the twig to look around.

Seeing that Wen Xiao was focusing on two things, she said, "You don't have to worry about being discovered by others, I'll keep an eye on you!"

Someone was watching, so Wen Xiao relaxed and concentrated on digging for ginseng. I don't know why the ginseng worms went crazy, they all crawled to the shallow place, almost one ginseng worm with one shovel, rarely digging with two shovels.

Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin were very fast, and in just over half an hour, the small bucket in front of them was full. The ginseng worms were big and small, black and white, and filled a small bucket densely. Luo Bi couldn't stand it after just one look, and ran away trembling.

Nima also worked hard for the worm.

When the nearby ones were finished, Luo Bi went to mark the next target ahead of time. Both Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin became dumb, digging and digging in muffled voices.

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