Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1692 Orange Spoon, you are so kind

An hour later, people who had participated in setting up the array came one after another.

Qin Yilang and Wu Cheng were at Cuizhuxing, and they came the fastest. Wu Cheng ran up to the small rock mountain and shouted: "Nothing is getting better in Cuizhuxing. It's raining so hard that you can't see anything clearly. Luo Bi, can't we wait for another day? Everyone busy."

If it's a formation, Wu Cheng would be quite happy. As for driving a hover car to go out for fun? Wu Cheng looked up at the continuous heavy rain, and for those who didn't know, he thought they were crazy.

Take a walk on a rainy day, forget it! Wu Cheng didn't want to go.

The consul Pei Jing who arrived at the last step said: "...???" He thought he had something serious to do, but who would have thought that he was going out for fun?

"I'll go, I'll go, where are we going to play?" Zhu Xingzu jumped off the hover car, his tired little face glowing. Before anyone could answer, he saw Orange Spoon coming back with a big bamboo basket. Zhu Xingzu chased after him: "Orange Spoon, Orange Spoon, you have collected another basket of supplies!"

The orange spoon is the best at doing things. He took a small red fruit from the bamboo basket and was about to throw it to Zhu Xingzu. He looked at it and felt reluctant to part with it, so he threw it back. He rummaged through the bamboo basket and picked a small one with a small top and stuffed it into Zhu Xingzu's hand. .

The orange spoon raised the spoon generously: "Here you eat."

"For me?" Zhu Xingzu was surprised. The child didn't notice Orange Spoon's little thoughts at all, and said without hesitation: "Orange Spoon, you are so kind! It's not easy for you to be busy collecting supplies all day long, and you still know how to give me fruits to eat. .”

Zhu Xingzu collected the fruits from Orange Spoon, and Orange Spoon found him a job, helping to sort supplies. Orange Spoon was in a good mood, so he poured out the supplies with a splash. It was a good deal to fool a worker with a fruit with a small top and a small top.

Luo Bi was angry and funny. She looked back and said loudly: "Fengling, stop fighting. Let's go for a spin."

Having already captured two imperial concubine pigs, Fengling, Wen Yao and others couldn't help but throw away the imperial concubine pigs they had obtained. With a wave of their swords, the two imperial concubine pigs were thrown to Qing Yao Star with a "whoosh".

"Are you really going?" Wen Xiao muttered after receiving the jade sword.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll come back after a round trip, and I won't delay anything." Fengling said calmly, and went to the restaurant area with Archon Pei Jing and others.

During the mission, the restaurant area is not only a place to eat, but also a place where meetings and rest are basically done. After everyone sat down, they ate to replenish their strength, while Luo Bi watched the rain outside.

Jiang Yixin happily picked a piece of roast pork and sat down to eat: "The imperial concubine's pork is different. The pork belly is not greasy when grilled. That boy Zhu Xingbao loves it the most. I can't get it every time. I don't know what I can do after the mission is over." How much imperial concubine pork should you share?"

Jiang Yixin is not the only one who is concerned about the distribution of supplies, many people are discussing it privately.

Fengling roughly knew what he knew, but he didn't say anything. He chatted with Qin Yilang for a few words and called Luo Bi over: "Everyone is here. Do you want to wander around the edge of the planet casually, or is there a route? Let's make it clear, everyone. Take a rest and set off immediately."

Luo Bi couldn't tell, "Just take a look around!"

Fengling nodded to express that she understood. When Wu Shao came back, Luo Bi asked him to call the other spoons back. Wu Shao was reluctant, but Wu Shao had a way. He stuffed a small gadget into Wu Shao, and then he went to call the spoons.

Orange Spoon didn't listen to this. It was busy collecting supplies and didn't go anywhere. Even Wen Xiao couldn't stop it.

Wu Cheng wiped his sweat and said, "This kid is so disobedient."

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