Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1695 It’s good to make a fortune in silence

Fengling raised her eyebrows, knowing that it wasn't as simple as going out to play: "In that case, why did you invite so many people?"

"It can't be detected. It's different when the people who set up the array last time gathered together. The source of the mine can be detected within a short distance, but it will be impossible if it is more."

Luo Bi told the truth, hiding everything: "I didn't want to compete with others for mineral resources, so I had to think of another way. I didn't expect..." After taking advantage, she laughed: "It really made me Found it."

As soon as she heard this, Fengling knew that she was covered again this time. She touched Luo Bi's military uniform. It was not wet but a little damp. She said with a smile: "Ore is usually located below the stone layer. The stone layer is relatively hard. If the location is too deep, Mining of small amounts of mineral resources is not recommended.”

Fengling and Luo Bi thought of one thing. It was not worth it and there was no need to waste time.

"Just go and have a look, forget it if it doesn't work." Luo Bi was not obsessed with digging for ore, and muttered: "I don't think it's good to mobilize people every time. It's better to keep silent and make a fortune. Besides, the mine I discovered The quantity is limited, so you can’t make a big fortune, just a small fortune.”

Fengling hesitated: "Are you going by yourself?"

To be honest, Fengling was worried.

Luo Bi looked at the man and asked him to make up his mind. Fengling understood instantly: "I said hello to Tang Shao and asked him to go with you. The ore is embedded in the rock. You are too weak to play alone."

After a pause, Fengling said again: "Ask Xue Zhijiao to follow."

Luo Bi was incompetent, and the two chatted for a while before Fengling got up to fight.

It was already time to catch dinner, and Li Feng was invited over to take charge of the meal. He could handle the meals for a dozen people by himself, so he said hello to Luo Bi and quickly took care of a royal pig.

Luo Bi took the time to dig up a handful of wild vegetables and collected two kilograms of mushrooms. She washed them out and gave them to Li Feng for later use. She said casually: "This kind of wild vegetables is best when steamed. I like to eat them steamed. I smash them into garlic paste and eat them as a dip." "

"Why don't you eat good food? What's so delicious about steamed wild vegetables?" Li Feng didn't agree with it. He washed the food and put it aside. He put the steak on the grill and then said, "Qin Cui, you can eat better than me." , she likes to eat wild vegetables and fried meat."

"Then you can fry it and eat it!" Luo Bi said casually. If she wanted to eat it, she could cook it at home instead of ordering in front of Li Feng.

Li Feng threw two heads of garlic to Luo Bi: "Peel it out and use it later."

Luo Bi was peeling garlic while talking to Li Feng: "Do you think the two people who led the people to mine ore are stupid? The content of those two small mineral resources is not high, and the stone layers are strong and deep. Why are they working around? Isn't that stupid? A good deal.”

Li Feng quickly skewered more than a dozen mushrooms and put them on the grill: "It's raining, so it's hard to go into the mountains and forests to collect supplies. Mining ores is better than doing nothing. It's more or less an income."

Sprinkling seasoning on the mushrooms, Li Feng said again: "Judging from the situation, this winter will be difficult. If possible, everyone wants to make as many preparations as possible. My Qin Cui is so anxious that she is getting angry."

"You contact her for me and ask her to come over for dinner later. After dinner, you both go back together."

Luo Bi called Qin Cui on the phone. Qin Cui was about to rush back. It was raining and he couldn't hear clearly. Luo Bi hung up the phone when someone notified him. At this time, Li Feng had already put the wild vegetables on the basket. It was obvious that he wanted to steam the wild vegetables, not stir-fry them.

There was only a handful of wild vegetables, which after steaming was not enough for cooking, so Li Feng baked two vegetable pancakes.

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