Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1715 She is busy

Not long after Yan Lao arrived, he called Wu Lao and Zhan Lao. He carried the big bamboo basket wherever he went, which showed that he was obsessed with money.

At this moment, Luo Bi didn't know what to say. The mining rate of underground mines is quite high. I haven't seen ores that can be dug right next to each other. But this open-pit mine is obviously different and rich in content. .

No, Flame Spoon called Spoon back, and she dug up another red emerald stone.

Luo Bi felt strange, and ran to the next door to ask Wen Yao: "How is your side? My side is almost out of control. I dug one piece after another, and the red emeralds are all next to each other. They are all natural high-grade red emeralds." .”

Wen Yao's eyes flickered with a smile on his face: "It's the same here. We've made a fortune."

"How many pieces did you dig?" Luo Bi looked at Wen Yao's backpack.

Wen Yao grinned and replied, "Eleven dollars."

"What did you say?" Luo Bi yelled, unconvinced, "I only dug three yuan, and you dug it fast, and I can accept five or six yuan, how can you dig eleven yuan in one go?"

How long has it been, and the gap is too big.

Wen Yao smiled, and picked out a purple emerald stone the size of a fist to Luo Bi: "It's normal for you to dig less because you are weak. This purple emerald stone is given to you, and I will share some pieces with you when I go back."

Luo Bi didn't want to and walked away: "No, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go back to work quickly."

You can't compare. Once you compare, you will lose your composure. The difference in quantity is too big and no one will feel balanced.

Back in her own little place, Luo Bi first taught Yan Shao, Wu Shao, and Zhan Shao how to quickly and completely dig the emerald stones. After teaching them once, they drove away the spoons. She was busy.

Wen Yao had already dug out 11 yuan, and now it should be 12 yuan, but she only dug out three yuan. Thinking about it makes her very angry!

The spoons were busier than her. Wu spoon ran away first, delaying him from digging the jadeite. He didn't even bother him yet, but he actually thought it was troublesome for them. Wu Shaolin ran back to his small territory and couldn't wait to start digging. He had to make up for the missing piece.

Not to be outdone, Flame Spoon and Zhan Spoon went about their own business.

The bamboo forest in front is already inaccessible, let alone the rocky cliffs. There are monsters not far away, and no one comes here to collect supplies. Luo Jie and Wen Yao were smart enough not to make any noise. They didn't even disturb anyone all afternoon, but they were able to get a lot of fun out of a group of people.

Don't look at each one of them who was silent and had no time to speak. His whole body was as if he had been injected with chicken blood and was excited.

A group of people worked until dark. Luo Bi was really exhausted and ran to ask Roger: "It's getting late, let's go back!"

"What time is it?" Luo Jie didn't want to leave, so he threw the purple emerald stone he had just dug into his back basket, and considering Luo Bi's physique, he said, "You can rest for a while when you're tired, and we'll each share a few pieces with you when we go back." , indispensable for you.”

Luo Bi went to Wen Yao again: "Let's go?"

Wen Yao hesitated: "Shall I ask Feng Ling to pick you up?"

Yes, this one is not willing to leave either, Luo Bi said: "No need."

Luo Bi walked away, intending to go back to her own small place to be busy for a while, Wen Yao shook his head amusedly, it was Luo Bi who called the people, and she was the one who yelled to leave, with so many open-air jadeites, who would be willing to leave?

This woman still can't live a life!

The Thunder Flame warriors didn't say to leave, and Qin Cui didn't say to leave. Luo Bi hurriedly asked again and again, but none of them said to leave, and you said it was annoying.

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