Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1725 Don't Count

Luo Bi returned to her own little territory, threw out the wicker basket, and hurriedly dug out the rocks with a small hoe.

Yesterday, a nest of jadeite was found. Today, Luo Bi took a chance and dug here and there, only to reveal a dazzling red color. Luo Bi was neither surprised nor pleased. Just one face couldn't explain anything, so she continued digging leisurely.

Soon, the approximate area of ​​the red emerald stone was exposed, and there was another piece next to it.

Luo Bi's eyes paused, and she felt a little excited. She used this as an entry point to expand around. Luo Bi did not dare to dig hard with the hoe, and expanded while cleaning the hard rock. Damn, it turned out to be another nest of jade stones.

Luo Bi couldn't hold it any longer, so she picked up the loose jadeite with her left hand and pinned it with a small hoe in her right hand. She pinned it down and threw it into the wicker basket. She pinned about a dozen pieces, but Luo Bi couldn't move the rest because it was too strong.

"Wen Yao, are you busy? Come here and help." Luo Bi called Wen Yao.

Wen Yao was so busy that he didn't even eat, but he still came over. He guessed that there might be a large piece of hard rock that Luo Bi couldn't dig, so he took a small hoe in his hand: "What's wrong? How can I help?"

Luo Bi stepped away with a smile and whispered: "I dug out another nest. I used a small hoe to remove the loose ones. I can't get rid of the strong ones. Break them off for me and give you a piece."

Wen Yao was shocked: "..." He couldn't be happy even if he gave him a piece.

He had been busy all morning, but he couldn't compare to Luo Bi's time, and he only had a nest of jade stones. Just one nest at a time. The problem is that the jade stones are not small in size and have big fists. They are almost all aggressive.

Wen Yao felt depressed, but he didn't hesitate to break it off with one hand. Luo Bi carried a small wicker basket and handed it to Wen Yao. Wen Yao broke off pieces and threw them away, while Luo Bi followed and counted them one by one.

I keep counting but I can’t count anymore. Damn, I can’t count anymore.

"This red jade stone is for you." Wen Yao broke off the last jade stone and Luo Bi spoke.

Wen Yao paused. He didn't want it at first, but the amount Luo Bi harvested was astonishing, so he put it away: "I wonder if there are any jade stones that have formed a nest? Do you need me to help you clean the rocks?"

"No need, go and do your work!" Luo Bi couldn't continue to take up Wen Yao's time.

"If you can't dig it out, call me. If you don't give me the jade stone, I will help you." Wen Yao still helped to clean up the harder rock layer, and after thinking about it in his heart, he said: "Fengling and I have been growing up. We are brothers, there is no need to see anyone outside."

What could Luo Bi say? She could only say: "I know."

Wen Yao helped clean up the area and then went back with the hoe.

On the other side, when Mrs. Huang dug out the piece of purple jade, the others perked up when they heard the noise and immediately ran over to watch.

"Oh, this is a piece of purple jade." Lan Xuan's eyes shone, and he reached out to look at it: "It's really a high-grade natural jadeite. I can't believe it is real. Such a piece is enough for me to replace it with." The intermediate jadeite has been used for a year.”

"I can't see a single flower no matter how hard I look, okay, go back and dig!" Mrs. Zhu San ran away.

As soon as Mrs. Zhu San ran away, Mrs. Zhu couldn't stay any longer. Lan Xi put the purple jade stone in Mrs. Huang's hand and ran away: "I hurried to dig it too. I can't afford to waste a minute now."

The women dispersed in a hurry. Mrs. Huang gave Huang Xinling a pack of dried meat with soy sauce and picked up a small hoe to look for rocks that might contain jade stones.

Xun Lao, the others, and Wen's Little Fireball were very busy at the moment after they found them.

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