Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1727 Too stingy

Jadeite is easy to count. A group of Thunder Flame warriors are busy doing their own thing. Each of the women costs less than ten yuan, so there is no need to count.

Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Huang were very tired at the end of the day. They were hungry and couldn't keep up with the physical strength, so they took advantage of the free time to cook. They discussed it, replenished their energy, took a short rest and dug for jade stones all night long.

The wind and rain were getting stronger and stronger, Roger frowned, fearing that this kind of weather would end the mission early.

Fengling also had this concern. The sergeants were counting the jade stones, and several senior officers stood together to discuss countermeasures. Luo Bi listened to a few words and ran to see what the spoons and the Wen family's little fireball had harvested.

The Wen family's little fireball was not allowed to be seen, and the spoons were also stingy and covered the bamboo basket to prevent them from seeing it.

Luo Bi snorted: "I won't even look at anyone who wants to look at them."

The flame ladle showed, and he picked up the bamboo basket and said, "Gu, I'll give it all to you."

Don't mention how attractive it is, Luo Bi smiled: "I don't want it, the flame spoon is really good, you listen carefully, this kind of jadeite is a natural high-grade jadeite, it can sell a lot of interstellar coins, it is very expensive."

She was worried that she would throw away the spoons after playing with them enough. As long as she mentioned Star Coins, any spoon would fall in her fancy.

Flame Spoon was praised by his aunt, and happily put away the Jadeite. Soup Ladle is also a clever one, counting a Jadeite and putting it in a small pocket, counting a piece of Jadeite and putting it in a small pocket, so that no one can touch it Less than.

The other spoons followed suit. Wen's little fireball didn't have a shirt, so he ran to let his adults keep it.

Feng Ling glanced at Luo Bi, and considering that it was getting dark, she stopped the conversation with Luo Jie, Wen Yao, and Tang Shao: "I'll take Abi back to the station first, whether the reserve mission can continue depends on the situation, there will definitely be one tonight." Heavy rain, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

Roger sighed: "It's raining harder and harder."

Who could say otherwise? Fengling stopped answering and called Luo Bi. Luo Bi had good eyesight, glanced at the bamboo baskets of the spoons, and ran back successfully. Fengling took the person into the military suspension vehicle and left.

When they arrived at Xiaoyanshan station, Feng Ling didn't let him go. The night was cool and the ground was full of rain and it was hard to walk. Feng Ling carried Luo Bi off the military suspension vehicle and went straight to the restaurant area.

"How was the harvest today?" Wen Xiao asked.

Luo Bi couldn't tell lies, but she didn't want to tell the truth, so she smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

Wen Xiao also smiled, understanding that Luo Bi should have gained a lot in one day, otherwise it would not be like this. At this moment, everyone was getting ready to eat. When Fengling and Luo Bi came back, they washed their hands and sat down to eat together.

After eating, the rain outside was heavier than before. The strong wind swept the rainwater towards the restaurant area obliquely, splashing a piece of the ground, and then the temperature dropped, and the surrounding air was cold.

Feng Ling was worried that Luo Bi would be cold, so she changed into a dry military jacket for Luo Bi. Qin Yilang, Zhan Di, Feng Zixun, and Guan Wei went to Xiaoyan Mountain from the main battlefield to discuss with Feng Ling and He Yun how to deal with it.

The rain was so heavy that the combat team couldn't fight at all.

"What can you do if the weather is bad? Just wait and see if the rain will weaken later." Qin Yilang looked solemnly, looking at the rain outside and said: "Everyone take advantage of this free time to rest well, and we will fight when the rain weakens."

"It's fine, I'll go to sleep first, I haven't slept well for a while." Wen Xiao had a plan in mind, so he went to bed first.

Wu Shao's eyes flashed, and he got up: "You talk, I'm going to sleep too."

There was nothing to talk about at night, and everyone left one after another.

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