Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1733 Everyone is the same

Huang Xinling was dumbfounded: "...?!!"

Is this her mother? How can you do this? ! !

She thought she was a little cotton-padded jacket, but it turned out that her mother was even more interested in jade stones? ! ! There is no harm without comparison. Huang Xinling became angry and twisted her little body to the other side, losing her temper and ignoring Mrs. Huang.

"I won't give you a piece of mine." Miss Huang Xinling snorted, and then added: "Not even to father."

For the jade stone, mother and daughter turned against each other on the spot, and even the head of the Huang family became angry.

Bai Juan and Pei Yang gave Huang Xinling a look of sympathy. They were all the same, there was no difference between a biological child and a picked one.

You think you are your biological child, but in the end it is not as weighty as a stone.

well! The two children sighed, don't think of yourself as a treasure, at best you are just a bean sprout. Thinking like this makes you feel comfortable.

This is just a small episode, everyone is busy counting the jade stones, and no one cares. What the Thunder Flame warriors first took out were some scattered jade stones harvested at the end of the mission, large and small, all kinds of stones, and with different attributes.

After all, the mining area has been thoroughly searched, no matter how big or small, not a single piece of jadeite has been missed.

Everyone is good at scraping the ground, and all operations are easy to do.

In fact, the sergeants searched the mining area early this morning. Because the rain in the mountains and forests was too heavy, the hover convoy moved very slowly, and they were worried that the hover vehicle would be far away and fall behind, so it took several times longer than usual to get out. The mountains and forests.

It's already half morning.

After counting the scattered jade stones, everyone was relatively calm and moved aside. Then when they came back, they took out the fist-sized jade stones and counted them again.

"This... so big?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue was startled when he saw the newly taken out bamboo basket, his smiling eyes widened suddenly.

A fist-sized natural high-grade jadeite? ? ? ?

Basket after basket, the ones in front of you are not counted, there are still in the storage box...

Lieutenant General Mi Yue rushed over and took a piece from Wen Xiao's basket. The red jade stone was dazzling in color, and its value instantly struck Lieutenant General Mi Yue's heart, and his hands shook with excitement.

"Such a piece is enough to supply large spaceships to travel in the three major galaxies for several years."

Are you still saying this with Lieutenant General Mi Yue?

Everyone knew the value of a fist-sized jadeite early in the morning, and just because they knew it, they were always excited. During the past few days when digging for jadeite, everyone was so happy that they didn’t have to sleep. Spirit.

Let alone an open-pit mine, if there was another one, the Thunder Flame warriors would still clean it up in one go after washing their faces.

Wen Xiao took the red jade stone back from Mi Yue, counted it and threw it into the bamboo basket next to it: "They are all numbered, don't get them confused. There is a big difference between one more and one less."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue understood this and sat still on the sofa. Looking at the baskets of high-grade natural jade stones, his fragile heart was greatly stimulated and he needed to calm down.

There is no fear at all in a fight with a lieutenant general with a rice axe. You can hold the emerald stone in front of his eyes, and you will be sure when you are stimulated.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue had just been greatly stimulated. The people who were counting the numbers were also shocked by the number of jade stones. They had been busy these days, digging out baskets and collecting baskets. Who would have thought that they would actually harvest them? so much? ? !

A bamboo basket costs one hundred and fifty yuan, and they are all the size of a fist. How many years will it take? ! !

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