Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1735 These two are good

Orange Spoon was still not very happy, Xun Shaozi gave Orange Spoon a small seedling, He Shaozi gave it a handful of seeds, but later he was reluctant to give so many, counted the small seeds one by one, and gave it to Orange Spoon One.

The orange spoon held up Xiao Miao Miao:... stingy.

He Shaozi lifted the spoon, it was too late to realize its intelligence, but it knew it was not a good word, and said it was stingy when it was given, it was not a thing, He Shaozi didn't give a single seed, Xiao Miaomiao took it back and returned it to Xun Shaozi.

Orange Spoon was dumbfounded, why is this happening? ? ? ! !

The Wen family's little fireball didn't mind watching the excitement, and it was a joy to watch. Wen's Little Fireball doesn't like to give things to his friends. They all look different, so what should he give? I thought it was interesting and rushed to Roger to share it.

Wen's Little Fireball: There was a quarrel over there, it was so fun.

Roger didn't have time to pay attention to it. At this time, Roger was trembling with baskets of emerald stones. Not only him, but other Thunder Flame warriors were also happy, counting and chattering, the more they counted, the more excited they became. .

Wu Chengle staggered around, counting pieces and patting the edge of the bamboo basket, very noisy: "Hey, hey, I already have five hundred yuan, how do you count?"

Xue Zhijiao paused, stunned for a moment, turned back the half-counted Jadeites and counted again: "Can you not talk? You still yell when you are counting. If you make a fuss, I will easily miss the count."

"Damn it!" Wu Cheng stood up irritably and threw back half of the basket that he had counted: "Are you still talking about me? I also failed to count what you said."

Just as Xue Zhijiao was about to open his mouth, the sergeant who was close to them quit. Everyone was excited and not sober when there were too many jadeites, but these two were lucky, they kept talking loudly, and they lost count several times.

I counted for a long time, going back and forth within the hundred digits.

Don't they know how to count? !

Naturally, I know how to count, but I just can’t figure it out.

The more you don't understand the counting, the more anxious you are, and the two guys are interrupting each other. The tall sergeant is dissatisfied: "Count silently in your heart, don't talk, you can't count how many baskets of emerald stones, it's embarrassing to say it."

The others echoed and then fell silent.

The sergeants just sat on the ground and counted. They couldn't count well while sitting on a small bench, and they were worried that they would be wrong again.

After more than an hour, everyone finally figured it out, women were not included, and the Leiyan warriors all had a gratifying harvest.

Wen Yao was the most awesome, harvesting a total of 1,818 jade stones, almost all of which were offensive jade stones. He was not in the same system as the Zhihuang Star Military Department, so he reported several times and put it away.

Wen Yao also had a group of people under his command, and it was impossible to separate the jadeite. Fengling acquiesced, and it was difficult for others to comment.

That's right, Lieutenant General Mi Yue is heartbroken.

In addition to Wen Yao, Tang Shao was next. Tang Shao’s harvest was only two yuan less than Wen Yao’s. Yao, naturally it’s not bad.

Wen's little fireball also dug up a lot of jade stones, but it hasn't had enough fun and has no intention of giving the jade stones to its parents.

"This temperament is really different." Qin Yilang sighed, Wen Yao and Wen Xiao brothers dote on the little fireball like something, he is embarrassed to say that the Wen family's little fireball is different, and it is about to catch up with the wonderful orange spoon .

Wen Xiao was proud and observed the jade stone in his hand and said, "My little fireball is lively and clever."

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