Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1740 Like a little pig

Mrs. Zhu: "······."

Mrs. Zhu San: "······."

Worrying is in vain, you can see that everything is moist, and your mouth and hands are all greasy after eating.

"It's nothing." Mrs. Zhu didn't care that her children were blocking the spaceship and wouldn't let her get on. She might as well not have slept at all. She didn't sleep enough and felt uncomfortable all over. She smiled weakly: "I heard that you are on the spaceship. , come and take a look, is Luo Bi still awake?"

"No." Zhu Xingbao took another duck neck and gnawed on it. This kind of duck neck had less meat, but the more it chewed, the more fragrant it became. The child became addicted to it and muttered while nibbling back: "Luo Bi may have fallen asleep."

Mrs. Zhu smiled and was convinced that Luo Bi could sleep: "You can play on the spaceship, but don't disturb Luo Bi when she sleeps. Everyone is very tired these days, so let her have a good sleep."

All three children nodded, indicating that they understood.

Mrs. Zhu San poked Zhu Xingbao on the forehead: "I just know how to eat."

After Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu San were sent away, the three children ate some snacks and returned to the living room of the spacecraft to play with a small optical computer. An hour later, the three children put aside their small optical computers, found a bedroom, climbed up and fell asleep.

In the middle, Luo Bi woke up once. She didn't sleep enough, her eyes were astringent, and she fell asleep again after a while.

After sleeping for nearly three hours, Luo Bi lay on the bed boredly for a while, then got up and washed her face, while waking up several children. The children were a little dazed when they were woken up.

"Major Feng led the team on a mission." Zhu Xingzhi washed his face and came back. He immediately became energetic and pointed at the dining table: "The lunch prepared for you, will you eat it now or wait until evening to eat it with everyone?"

"I don't know." Luo Bi sat on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Zhu Xingzhi was busy packing the bag of snacks. Zhu Xingbao was lying on the sofa, reached out and grabbed a bag of dried fish, tore open the bag and took a dried fish to eat. He fell asleep while eating.

Zhu Xingzhi saw it and sighed like a little adult. He went over and took out the dried fish from Zhu Xingbao's mouth and pushed him in: "You are a foodie, just like a little pig."

Luo Bi smiled and sighed, then found two small animal skin blankets from the storage bracelet and threw them to Zhu Xingzhi: "It's easy to get cold when you sleep in this season. Cover them with Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingrong to prevent them from catching a cold."

Zhu Xingzhi was very good at taking care of his younger brother. He took a small animal skin blanket to cover Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingrong, ran out to look at the sky outside, and came back to pick up a small optical computer to play with, without disturbing Luo Bi's trance.

After a long sleep, Luo Bi felt uncomfortable all over and couldn't wake up.

what does it feel like

It's like if you haven't slept, your nerves are tense and you don't feel anything. Once you get enough sleep, your brain will not be as good as before you fell asleep. The most obvious thing is that your brain is confused and you can't cheer up.

Luo Bi tore up a bag of dried fish and ate it. She felt energetic as she ate. She glanced at Zhu Xingzhi who was lying on the sofa playing with a small optical computer and asked, "How about we eat on the spaceship tonight? What do you want to eat?"

When it comes to eating, Zhu Xingzhi is not interested at all: "There are not enough reserves in winter. Apart from mushrooms and ear vegetables, there is nothing to choose from. I have eaten grilled mushrooms and ear vegetables soup for one meal in the past two days. I have eaten enough." .”

No matter how delicious the food is, you can't bear to eat it every day. What's more, the Thunder Flame Warrior likes meat. Mushrooms and ears are eaten once in a while. It's okay to adjust the taste. Who can bear to eat it every day.

Zhu Xingzhi was extremely depressed.

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