Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1770 Advanced Thunder Spirit Plant

Qin Cui walked over from the side and shook a handful of spiritual plants in his hand: "Luo Bi, the ones I found are basically low-level spiritual plants. Do you want one? Give you some and give me one of the intermediate ones."

Ice particles fluttered from the sky. Qin Cui couldn't take pictures of the spiritual plants that she finally dug up. She wandered under the eaves of the tent and planned to share some with Luo Bi. She had a good harvest today, digging about one hundred and fifty. More than ten spiritual plants.

Seeing Qin Cui counting the spiritual plants, the others also turned around in their baskets, planning to share some spiritual plants, ingredients, etc. with Luo Bi.

"Okay, okay, don't be too busy." Luo Bi waved her hands, with a bit of impatience on her face, and showed her attitude: "There are so many things to do when friends and relatives are on missions, how can we get along with each other after we are so clearly separated? ?If it is a good thing, I will still be jealous regardless of me, but forget about the rest."

She doesn't care.

After Luo Bidu said this, Xu Yi, Lan Shu and others thought, forget it, they will take care of their acquaintances like this in the future.

Madam Huang found a thunder spiritual plant and gave it to Luo Bi. Huang Xinling was reluctant to part with it and stamped her feet. Madam Huang ignored her and handed it to Luo Bi, saying: "High-end spiritual plants are good things. Xinling found two of them. This thunder spiritual plant is Here you go, one for each of you.”

Luo Bi didn't know what to say: "I don't want it. If I want it, I can find it myself."

"You found it. This plant was given to you by your aunt." Huang Xinling called her mother over there, but Mrs. Huang turned a deaf ear and gave it to Luo Bi. It was useless to call her mother: "Xinling is lucky today, aunt Give it to you, just keep it.”

She was even called aunt, and the relationship became closer, so Luo Bi had no choice but to accept the spirit plant.

At this time, Zhou Ya, Feng Zifei, Jiang Xiner, and Jiang Qianran came back one after another, everyone talking and laughing with excitement. This time they organized a team to go out and harvested a lot of spiritual plants and some ingredients. After calculating the amount in their hearts, how could they not be happy?

Seeing He Xiang's group of people, Jiang Xiner led the team over to inquire about the situation.

Luo Bi stuffed the main thunder spiritual plant into Huang Xinling's hand without leaving a trace. Huang Xinling was overjoyed and raised the corners of her mouth. She was about to put it away in pleasure, but others saw it.

"Advanced thunder spirit plant?" A woman wearing a purple gauze dress and a camel leather skirt exclaimed. After attracting everyone's attention, she immediately looked at Jiang Qianran: "Qianran, don't you need a high-level thunder plant?" It’s a spiritual plant, there’s one here.”

Jiang Zhuer pursed her lips. Everyone else had their own thoughts. Everyone wanted the high-level spiritual plant, but who could get it depended on their ability. Those with average abilities took a step back and waited to watch.

Madam Zhu and Madam Huang looked at each other, knowing full well the current atmosphere. They could take charge of a large family, and they had never seen any means before. This was simply unseen.

Huang Xinling glared at the other party unhappily, trying to steal her spiritual plant? So shameless.

The woman in purple gauze smiled back at Huang Xinling and continued to wave to Jiang Qianran: "Qianran, come and have a look. This spiritual plant grows really well in the bad weather. Even a leaf is not hurt when dug out."

"What do you mean? Shut up." Huang Xinling sprayed her unceremoniously. After the spray, Jiang Qianran came over before arranging the team and put the spiritual plant away: "I found it, no one can covet it."

The woman in purple gauze frowned: "Why are you like this?"

Mrs. Huang didn't want to accept this trick. She pulled Huang Xinling and left, not bothering to watch the woman in purple gauze pretending.

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