Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1772 It’s okay now

The others were busy with their own business, and some who liked to watch the excitement glanced at it from time to time. Wen's little fireball ran over from nowhere and started fighting in a circle. When he saw that it was not a fight, he suddenly lost interest and joined the crowd to listen to the gossip.

Madam Huang pulled Huang Xinling to sort the supplies next to Madam Zhu. She sorted out the ingredients first, but did not take out Lingzhi to avoid being remembered again. Jiang Qianran stood nearby. Even after saying nice words, Mrs. Huang still refused to sell her. Jiang Qianran sighed and left.

If they don't sell it, she can't just grab it, right? !

Forget it, she will lead the team farther tomorrow. With her ability, she can still find the high-level spiritual plant.

Robbie looked inexplicably, so forget it? Jiang Qianran was determined to win at the beginning, but she died before she even bought it? Really, it’s so nice to watch the excitement while sorting out supplies, and it’s over.

The outgoing teams each chose a venue to sort out the supplies. Jiang Qianran and Zhou Ya exclaimed from time to time.

Qin Cui got up to inquire about it and came back soon: "Zhou Ya's team and Jiang Qianran's team dug up a lot of spiritual plants, at least a hundred high-level spiritual plants, and they had the nerve to buy Huang Xinling's. This is too greedy. "

When Huang Xinling heard this, she got angry, got up and walked towards the opponent's field: "I'm going to buy Jiang Qianran's too, to see if she sells it? I just dug two plants and she was thinking about buying them, shameless."

Shameless can't talk about it, it's just too many small calculations.

Luo Bi continued to pay attention. Huang Xinling was also very powerful. When she went there, she clamored to buy Jiang Qianran's high-end spiritual plants. Jiang Qianran didn't have time to buy someone else's, so how could she sell it to Huang Xinling, so she just said she wouldn't sell it.

It's better now. Huang Xinling quarreled with Jiang Qianran and fell into disgrace.

Mrs. Huang didn't feel at all that her child was making too much noise. She usually kept Huang Xinling in check, but this time Huang Xinling was no matter how much trouble she made. Mrs. Huang was happy to see this. If she didn't make such a fuss, Jiang Qianran wouldn't have a long memory.

It's not easy for adults to do this. Huang Xinling is the most suitable age for acting out.

Huang Xinling waited until several combat teams came back after dark. She came back with her pigtails pouted, and muttered fiercely: "If you dare to bully me, I will scold you to death."

Huang Xinling became famous in one battle. Not to mention other people, Jiang Qianran didn't dare to mess with her.

When the combat team came back, Li Feng was naturally the cook, and the other Leiyan warriors were busy counting and sorting the supplies.

Fengling looked around but didn't see Luo Bi. When she got on the spacecraft, she saw that she was chatting with Li Feng in the kitchen area. Fengling jumped off the spaceship again. It's not a problem to talk too much. As long as you can't freeze, just talk!

As soon as it got dark and his vision dimmed, Wei Wei took the obsidian, climbed up the mountain wall and embedded the obsidian into the stone.

Immediately, the campsite was brightened.

Afterwards, Jiang Yixin and Wei Yang each took a piece of obsidian, climbed up the hill, and embedded the obsidian into the stone. The three pieces of obsidian are as big as a fist and have a rich texture, enough to illuminate the entire camp as bright as day.

This time the combat team harvested twenty-one alien beasts, ten large alien beasts, and eleven small alien beasts. Xue Yue's second combat team even killed a cub of the imperial concubine pig. Zhou Ya joked about the ingredients for the night, and Jiang Xinger also followed suit.

Jiang Yixin watched eagerly, and there was another snack foodie Zhu Xingbao standing next to him. They also wanted to eat! !

Xue Yue knew very well whether Zhou Ya was joking, so he simply threw the little imperial concubine pig to Lieutenant General Mi Yue and wanted to eat it with Lieutenant General Mi Yue.

That's all right now, no one's making a decision.

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