Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1788 Made a lot of money

Luo Bi was thinking about what to give to Uncle Ye, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. If the two families kept in contact in the future, there was no need to express it now, although in her impression, the foreign family was relatively profit-oriented.

Where does Robby's snobbery come from? It's rooted in my maternal family, but the Ye family hides it well.

Unlike her, if it works, it will work, and if it doesn’t work, it won’t work. She puts everything on the table.

The Luo family, the Ye family, and the life before she traveled through time have shaped her character like this.

Luo Bi doesn't care about herself, and whoever she cares about will die. As long as the people she cares about love her, it doesn't matter what other people think. There were more than a dozen baskets of things purchased by several people this time, and the two hovercars would definitely not be able to transport them all in one trip. Besides, Luo Bi did not want to put river fresh food on the sports car.

Wu Cheng obviously knew what Luo Bi was thinking, and suggested: "Let's move the things to the hover car first. In the winter, several legions have purchased ingredients in large quantities. The trade in Qingyao Star is booming. Maybe the first legion of Zhihuang Star will The purchasing team will come."

Xue Zhijiao said noncommittally: "Okay, move quickly."

The so-called basket is not a very big basket. After all, it is food containing nutritional energy, and the price is on the high side. Wu Cheng, Xue Zhijiao, and Bai Kai each carried two baskets of river fresh food, which was about ten kilograms each, to the place where the floating car was placed.

There was no one to watch the ingredients. Luo Bi watched from the trading square, and Zhu Xingbao followed him with a basket. When Zhu Xingbao returned home, he was assigned to look at the ingredients. Bai Kai bought a pack of roasted chestnuts and gave them to Zhu Xingbao. The child was so happy as he ate them with a grin on his face.

It was unsettling for women and children to look at nutritious food. Wu Cheng and the three people speeded up, carrying it one by one.

Yang Zaichong led the team to purchase ingredients. When he saw Wu Cheng going over to say hello, "Your hover car is not suitable for transporting things. Where are the ingredients going to be transported? I will have someone send them to you."

"I'll ask Robbie."

"That's fine, you can ask, I'll look at the ingredients first."

Wu Cheng went back to carry the ingredients and mentioned it to Luo Bi. After thinking about it for a while, Luo Bi decided to send the ingredients back to Jade Star. The distance from Qing Yao Star to Cui Bamboo Star was about the same as to Jade Bamboo Star. There was really no need to go further and take another turn. On the other hand, she wanted to go home and see what was going on in the planting fields.

It was autumn when they went on missions, and now it's winter, and the vegetables don't freeze.

With the help of Yang Zaichong, several people went shopping after carrying the ingredients, and the guards of the Yang family helped to watch things.

The trading market of Qingyaoxing covers a large area and has a large flow of people. Common ingredients are mixed in it. They look good and are big, but they don't taste good. Luo Bi smiled, and continued shopping without even looking at it. There are markets for ordinary ingredients, but she doesn't buy them.

Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao didn't buy it. Bai Kai was interested, but unfortunately he was stopped by Luo Bi: "Why buy this? It doesn't taste good. You have earned a lot of interstellar coins. Don't buy ordinary ingredients."

So Bai Kai wouldn't buy it, he did earn a lot last time when he went on a mission with Luo Bi, it's not bad to improve the quality of life.

While walking around, Luo Bi saw the spoons with spiritual intelligence turned on, first the soup spoon, and then the He spoon. Several people were stunned and couldn't help but be surprised when they looked at each other.

"Did they come by themselves?" Xue Zhijiao asked.

"I don't know." The others shook their heads

"What are He Shaozi and Tang Shaozi doing?" Wu Cheng took a few glances but didn't understand, and walked away: "Go, go over and have a look, what are they doing?"

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