Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 179 Water Duck

Sensing that someone was following behind her, Luo Bi sneered, but she still didn't give up. Follow if you want! She didn't take Lan Qiao seriously at all.

Water ducks are slightly smaller than ancient ducks, can fly, have delicious meat, and high nutritional value. They are high-grade supplements for raising fetuses during pregnancy. This thing is very clever. It usually lives in groups in waters with a lot of aquatic plants and algae. As long as there is any trouble, it will spread its wings and fly away. Humans rarely catch teal ducks.

There was a group of them on the river, rattling very loudly, Zhou Feng's eyes brightened: "There are so many! How do you catch them?"

Damn, she didn't know that Robbie was in trouble.

Zhou Feng stared at her with flickering eyes, Luo Bi couldn't say that he didn't know, looking at the river's quick way to deal with it, Zhou Feng had doubts on his face: "Are you fooling me?"

Luo Bi really didn't want to lie, she smiled mockingly: "Don't worry." After she said that, she took out a refined rope from the storage bracelet, grabbed one end of the rope and made a simple rope for a pheasant Then she threw the noose like a horse on a prairie, aiming straight at a flock of teals.

"Clatter..." The water duck was startled, fluttering its wings and flying up.

There was too much movement on the water, and people on the river beach looked up one after another. Seeing that it was Luo Bi and Zhou Feng messing around, they all turned their eyes with a sneer. Toss chant! People have a lot of leisure time, it's not like they are exhausted, people are more deadly than others!

Lan Qiao frowned, hesitating whether to go back, and Luo Bi didn't dig ginseng, so it was useless for her to follow. With the free time to follow Luo Bi, she might as well go back and dig two more shovels, maybe she might be lucky enough to dig a ginseng worm.

"Look at you, one is not harnessed, and the wild ducks are scared away."

Zhou Feng rubbed his hands anxiously, but one of them accidentally rubbed the blood blisters, "Ouch!" Zhou Feng gasped in pain, and tears rolled in his eyes again, unable to fall. .

"Oh!" Luo Bi sighed, and pulled back the end of the thrown rope: "Are you alright?"

"It hurts!" Zhou Feng said softly.

Mom! Luo Bi wailed, in her eyes the pregnant body was a man, she couldn't bear a man acting like a baby to her! In order not to let Zhou Feng's tears fall, Luo Bi said against his conscience: "It won't hurt if you bear it. When I catch a water duck, I will let Li Feng make it for you to eat."

"Oh!" Zhou Feng was not easy to fool: "Then when can you catch one?"

Robbie: "...."

She never played with Zhou Feng again, and she sent Zhou Feng back later. Zhou Hui let Zhou Hui look after the child.

At this time, the water ducks were startled and fell back to the river again, a little less than before, but the number was still quite a lot, there were dozens of them, and Quack was still in shock.

Robbie saw the right moment and threw the noose out again.

"Wow! Quack... Quack...."

The water ducks were more alert this time, flapping their wings quickly and flying on the water surface, skimming for a certain distance before floating on the water surface to watch, not aware of the danger, and then gathered back one after another.

Luo Bi's tossing not only disturbed the water duck, but also startled the people on the river beach. They knew that it was two idlers who were tossing around, but everyone couldn't help but look at it when they heard the water duck's exclamation. glance.

well! This is annoying!

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