Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1831 If you can, do your best.

After Fengling finished speaking, she continued to handle official duties.

Who wants to go? Luo Bi nodded: "I'm going to bed first."

In fact, she didn't want to go on a mission, but Qin Cui and Huang Xinling insisted on letting her go, which was annoying.

It's better now, I may not be able to sleep at night.

Luo Bi was so torn. She was worried that she was incapable of being criticized by others, and worried that the undeveloped planet was too dangerous for her to handle. Before she got there, she started to have random thoughts.

Luo Bi even wanted to back down.

Fengling put down the document in her hand, then stood up and took Luo Bi's shoulders back to the bedroom to make the bed. Luo Bi came out of the shower and looked at her speechlessly. A man is so capable, what use does she have?

This mission was for the execution of legion military affairs, and there was no maximization of personal interests. All the equipment, resources, elixirs and other items used were provided by the military headquarters, so the preparations were relatively smooth.

Each of the several combat teams has its own system. Qin Yilang mobilized a hundred sergeant combat members, and He Yun also mobilized a hundred sergeant combat members. It was the turn of other combat teams and there was no need to mobilize them.

The military department has other arrangements, so they don't have to go on missions together.

Qin Yilang discussed with He Yunyi, and the plan remained unchanged and they continued the mission.

Qin Cui, Huang Xinling, He Xiang, Wei Zi, and Zhou Ya had been on missions before and knew what was going on outside the safe zone, so they prepared very carefully. Spiritual plants, jade stones, jade stones, furnace tripods, and other refining materials, as long as they were necessary refining items, several people received their share.

The First Combat Team and the Tenth Combat Team also made comprehensive preparations. The location was chosen to be Blazing Star. Admiral Qi Lan sent them two medium-sized military spaceships to collect energy, weapons and equipment, elixirs, etc. from the military headquarters.

While the others were preparing, Luo Bi threw five step ladders into the storage bracelet and cut off a section of the bamboo fruit wine. Regardless of whether the bamboo fruit wine still had its original function, it was better to be prepared than to be dumbfounded when using it.

When the military department provided food during the mission, Luo Bi thought about it and stopped taking it. There were two bags of millet grains in her storage bracelet. If it was not possible, she would eat millet grains. She had to do this as a last resort.

Even though Luo Bi was prepared, she had no intention of using it. As the saying goes, first be a villain and then be a gentleman. If Qin Yilang and He Yun have a good attitude, she will do her best if she can. If they think she is incompetent, I'm sorry, but she won't show her stupidity.

You must bring more animal skin blankets and warm clothes. Luo Bi is afraid of the cold. Why is she not active at all about being passive and slacking off on tasks? Part of the reason is that I am afraid of cold. Cold and hot are completely different concepts, and the tastes are different.

It was extremely hot and uncomfortable at best.

It will hurt if you are severely cold, your teeth will chatter, and the taste will be overwhelming.

The day before departure, the sun was just right. Luo Bi took out two white fox skin skirts, another medium brown fox skin skirt, two more cloaks of the same color, and three pairs of animal skin boots of the same color. I bought them last winter, but Luo Bi didn't buy any new clothes this year.

Wen Yushi also took a piece. When she got cold, she hugged Wen Yushi. No one could freeze her to death.

Take out a white fox skin skirt and wear it when setting off tomorrow, as well as a skin cloak of the same color.

The weather was sunny on the day the team set out, but the temperature was lower than when it snowed. The air was dry and cold, and a small north wind blew through all of our clothes. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground and it was a little slippery.

After everyone arrived and boarded the spaceship, Qin Yilang and He Heyun gave the order to set off.

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