Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1842 Second Level Alien Beast

What can Fengling do? Of course it's according to Luo Bi.

Luo Bi took a sip of the wild vegetable soup. It tasted pretty good. It was warm and warm, but she didn't eat the dried meat. Now Luo Bike knows how precious nutritious food is. Wild vegetables and dried meat are all good things, and they are also foods that are too hard to bite and contain nutritional energy.

People die for wealth, birds die for food, the galaxy war season is such a stage.

Luo Bi didn't eat dried meat, so Fengling put away her portion. Jiang Yixin was still not full after eating a pound of dried meat, so she got up and scooped out another bowl of wild vegetable soup. It would have been nice to have some duck wings.

When Qin Yilang was full, he walked to Fengling and sat down, and said to Luo Bi: "The exotic beast jerky team will give it to you. You can keep what you harvested yourself. You don't have to give it to me. You can find more ingredients while you are on a mission. "

Qin Yilang was embarrassed to say, but don't dig a handful of wild vegetables to deal with it. The situation is different now. Nutritious food is in short supply. Since there is an opportunity to go on a mission, it is better to seize it and be more diligent.

On Qinchang Mountain, you can easily dig up a handful of wild vegetables, so there is no harm in being more diligent.

Qin Yilang could say that he took good care of Luo Bi even if he gave her three meals without taking Luo Bi's gains. To be honest, with Luo Bi's pampered look, he didn't expect Luo Bi to be very diligent.

Fengling could afford it, so he really didn't care about the dried meat distributed by the combat team, and Zhou Ya only cared about it.

With Qin Yilang's words, Luo Bi felt confident that if she had good things, she would hide them and give Qin Yilang the wild vegetables. To put it bluntly, Luo Bi is not like others. She doesn't care about wild vegetables.

Everyone was very tired from the battle in the morning. After dinner, they gathered in front of the fire to chat and rest.

Jiang Yixin took out the dried meat and tasted it slowly, and the captains of the hunting team and the mercenary group gathered together for a meeting. Luo Bi was held in Feng Ling's arms and took a nap. Huang Xinling rolled her eyes angrily. She originally wanted to play with Luo Bi, but she had to rest with Qin Cui when Luo Bi was sleeping.

Ten minutes later, the hunting teams and mercenary groups stationed there left one after another.

It was already half past one in the afternoon. The First Combat Team and the Tenth Combat Team walked for a while in the mountain forest, and soon encountered a second-level alien beast, as well as several other hunting teams.

"What the hell, a second-level alien beast?" Wen Xiao cursed.

The combat power of the second-level alien beasts is not comparable to that of the first-level alien beasts. Last time, Roger was injured by a second-level alien beast. Even if 200 elite combat team members were all in battle, they might not be able to do anything. Second level alien beast.

The women were shocked and were protected behind them by the combat team members.

Those hunting teams had just started fighting against the second-level aliens, and they were unsure whether to fight or retreat. Qin Yilang and He Yun made a brief analysis and led the team to rush forward to join the battle. Suddenly, all kinds of supernatural powers were flying in the sky.

The Lei Yan warriors were fighting over there, and the women spread out to look for supplies and ingredients.

This time Luo Bi finally saw the fighting power of a woman, grabbing spiritual plants, wild vegetables, fruits, everything. There are spiritual plants here, and several of them run over to them. There are wild vegetables there, and a group of them pounce on them.

Don't say you found this. What's the last name you found?

In the wild, whoever digs it belongs to whom.

Huang Xinling found out about the spiritual plants. She ran over and dug up one. Two girls in color-blocked animal skin gauze rushed over and dug up the rest. Huang Xinling didn't even leave a single small spiritual plant.

The little girl was so angry that she no longer needed to use her mental power to detect things, and only focused on grabbing wild vegetables and spiritual plants from others.

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