Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1845 She doesn’t need to eat other people’s food

Everyone learned from Wei Zi's mouth that the pheasants of the Zhan family hunting team and the Feng family hunting team were saved and were not taken away. This shows that the fighting power of the women of the two hunting teams cannot be underestimated.

When it got completely dark, the Thunder Flame Warrior finally killed the second-level alien beast.

Since the last attack was dealt by the Feng family's hunting team with array plates, most of the exotic animal meat was divided up by the Feng family and distributed to other teams according to their work. The first combat team and the tenth combat team shared fifty kilograms of exotic animal meat. .

Other teams had even less, one team only had ten pounds.

Even if there is dissatisfaction, these teams can't say anything. If you have the ability, you can come up with an awesome lineup.

If not, just go aside. You have no business speaking at all.

The danger level of the undeveloped planet at night was very high, so all the hunting teams and mercenary groups immediately went to the garrison on Qinchang Mountain.

After the prey is divided, the defensive array is opened and the tent is set up.

The lights are turned on and the hunting team prepares for dinner.

The Feng family's hunting team harvested most of the exotic beast meat today. Feng Zijie generously asked his men to chop off the wings of the second-level Flame Duck beast and treat all the talented allies to a meal. It was said that it was a treat for dinner, but in fact, it was just a roundabout purchase of elixirs, array plates, and array devices.

Equipment and resources are sought after by all teams.

For example, if the Feng family's hunting team didn't have a powerful array of the second-level alien beast they just killed, they might not be able to take advantage of it.

Feng Zijie is very aware of the benefits of having array plates and array devices. If you don't want to sell array plates and elixirs, you don't have to eat them. In short, Feng Zijie sent people to invite them. Those who can withstand the temptation of duck wings don't have to go.

Is anyone not going?

If Luo Bi doesn't go, Feng Zijie doesn't insist on inviting her.

After entering the galaxy war season, Luo Bi didn't even participate in new competitions or tests. Feng Zijie is not the kind of person who discovers talents. Let's wait until Luo Bi shows his true ability!

Of course, if Luo Bi took the resources and equipment to have a meal, Feng Zijie would not refuse.

Zhou Ya, He Xiang, Qin Cui, Huang Xinling, and Wei Zhi were all invited over. Fengling asked Luo Bi: "Everyone has gone to Feng Zijie's hunting team. Do you want to eat the duck wings of the second-level exotic beast? If so, , I will give you the elixir, and you can trade with the Feng family."

Luo Bi hesitated, she didn't need to eat other people's food, she had delicious food, and she didn't care about duck wings.

That's right, how do you say it? She didn't plan to take it out, but she couldn't bite the dried meat, and she didn't have much to eat at noon. From noon until now, she really didn't want to drink wild vegetable soup anymore.

Foodie Jiang Yixin looked in the direction of the Feng family's hunting team with envy: "I wonder what the second-level exotic beast meat from Galaxy War Season tastes like? I haven't eaten it yet, it must be delicious."

Since the galaxy war season, they killed the second-level alien beast for the first time today. After sharing the meat of the alien beast, the captain refused to let him eat it. Seeing that he couldn't eat it, this was too cruel for a foodie.

Wen Xiao lit the fire and listened to Jiang Yixin's teasing words: "After eating, go to bed early and have a good dream. Maybe you can eat it." You can eat whatever you want in your dream, if Jiang Yixin can sleep tonight.

The sergeants were busy setting up tents. Qin Yilang and He Yun routinely counted the day's harvest, including wild vegetables, fruits, spiritual plants, and exotic animal meat. Pheasants were in other people's teams, but not in theirs.

Jiang Yixin also heard that another team had caught a pheasant, and ran to the kitchen area to watch Li Feng cooking. Li Feng didn't have anything good for him. He now had a wife to support and was calculating his savings every day.

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