Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1862 No motivation

Hua Ran also smiled, feeling disdainful in her heart but not showing it on her face.

If you dare to say it is an intermediate array without trying it, where does your confidence come from? Over the years, Hua Ran has also noticed that there are only a few truly capable and capable people in the entire Luo family, and there are quite a few self-righteous fools.

So what if Luo Sha and Luo Wan are capable? Fighting openly and secretly for one man, many good things have been refined and given away for nothing.

Luo Bi was calm now, even a little funny. She drank one cup after another of tea, and just watched from the sidelines as the juniors of the Luo family boasted about the glory of the family, and even boasted about the top ones.

There are many topics to talk about when talking about Luo Sha and Luo Wan. Tong Wan said: "The military actually wants to use interstellar coins to buy Luo Sha's formation disk. I don't know what they think. Nowadays, anyone who has some calculations is rare about interstellar coins. I don't know. If you want the array plate, you have to exchange it for imperial concubine pigs and high-grade nutritional energy ingredients. When you have time, remind Luo Sha and Luo Wan that they can't just throw away the array plate."

"Then the array plate that Luo Sha gave to the Feng family, did it use interstellar coins or high-grade nutritional energy ingredients?" The junior of the Luo family asked curiously, not taking advantage of it, but it would be more honorable to ask some gossip and tell it to friends later.

"I know this. Luo Sha and Luo Wan's family are not short of nutritious food for the high-grade nutritional energy ingredients they use." The junior Luo family said this with envy on his face, and became greedy as he spoke. That is what is available on the market. High-end energy and nutritional ingredients that are most in short supply in the world and cannot be bought with interstellar coins.

Next, there was another burst of envy, and several people discussed it heatedly.

Luo Qing whispered to Luo Bi: "Don't listen to their chatter. What's the use of some high-grade nutritious ingredients such as ginseng grass, mountain mushrooms, and rice? For the old and young family masters, they are of little use. Women are good ingredients.”

"They should want some exotic animal meat." Luo Qing added later.

The implication is that Luo Sha and Luo Wan only care about themselves and ignore the Lei Yan warriors at home.

Luo Qing was not dissatisfied with Luo Sha and Luo Wan, he just felt that this was not well thought out. Talented people were certainly important to the family, but without the backing of the Thunder Flame Warriors, talented people would not be able to go far.

Luo Bi didn't believe it, so she lowered her voice and asked, "You don't even want any exotic animal meat?" Isn't this stupid?

Luo Qing shook his head and said nothing. He didn't know what Luo Sha and Luo Wan were thinking. All the Thunder Flame warriors in the family needed the meat of exotic beasts to replenish their energy. But these two people didn't take it to heart at all.

What Luo Qing didn't say was that Luo Wan asked for the exotic beast, but instead gave it to Bai Yang, and the family didn't get any of it.

Luo Bi was speechless. She guessed what was going on in the Luo family. She had noticed it very early. There were not many juniors in the Luo family who could show their skills. Luo Huan was considered the most outstanding one. Now he was working hard to stabilize his combat power. of mission.

The whole family pointed at Luo Huan to support him.

Luo Rui and Luo Qing are okay, Luo Jun has good innate strong genes, but it's a pity that it's hard to say whether he can stand up or not.

Luo Jun was injured and has not recovered yet. If there is no good thing to continue to support him, that will be it.

Luo Bi was a little confused about whether or not to contribute to the family. After taking a sip of tea, she thought about it and decided to forget it. Her father and Guan Zhuting did not have a child, and Hua Ran's innately strong genes meant that she would not have any descendants.

If that's the case, why is she trying so hard?

She doesn't care about the two lifetimes in her life. Her family has no heirs and has no motivation.

Luo Bi was worried lazily about what happened to the Luo family.

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