Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1864: Flame Spoon

After chatting for a while, everyone got up and went to Luo Huan's house for dinner. Hua Ran said some polite words and sent them off.

After everyone left, the family returned to the living room. Hua Ran frowned and said, "The combat power of the Thunder Flame Warriors of this generation of the younger generation of the Luo family is average. Luo Qing is just barely capable. Luo Bi, you'd better not go with them." It’s a blue star.”

Guan Zhuting was also a little worried: "Luo Qing and the others don't have many people with high combat power. It's not safe to go to Qingyao Star at this time."

"The risk factor of Qing Yao Star is indeed very high. Not to mention the strange beasts that appear at any time, if someone goes to Qing Yao Star, all the food will be robbed." Luo Hang loves his children very much. He heard that Luo Bi is planning to go to Qing Yao Star with him. He immediately became unhappy: "When your brother is free, ask him to accompany you."

As for his nephews, they were far worse than Hua Ran. Hua Ran could beat them all.

Hua Ran kicked several of them down with one kick.

Can Luo Hang rest assured that his daughter will be with them?

That must be worrying!

Luo Bi was not worried about safety issues: "I won't go by myself, I will take Flame Spoon and Wu Spoon with them."

Flame Spoon often goes into the mountains and forests by himself to find ingredients, and sometimes joins forces with Zhan Spoon and Orange Spoon to kill strange beasts. When Luo Hang heard Luo Bi tell him to bring the spoon, he stopped saying no.

Hua Ran got up and went to the backyard to feed the Moo Beast. Luo Bi brought a spoon and it was no problem to beat the Thunder Flame Warrior.

Guan Zhuting breathed a sigh of relief and went into the kitchen to have lunch.

Luo Hang was still a little worried, so he sat on the sofa, took a sip of tea and asked, "How many spoons will you bring?"

Luo Bi didn't know that she wanted to bring them all, but the adults might not agree: "I'm going to ask those adults if they are willing to let me bring all the spoons. You don't know, you will pamper each one." , I don’t feel at ease wherever I go.”

Luo Hang hurriedly said: "Your mother just cooked, go quickly, don't forget to come back for dinner."

"I know." Luo Bi planned to take Yan Shao with her. When she saw Yan Shao learning to cook in the kitchen, she called Shao: "Yan Shao, let's go to Wu Shao's house with my aunt."

Flame Spoon didn't hear the noise, and it came close to it if Luo Bi didn't call. When Luo Bi shouted, Yan Spoon stopped learning to cook. He threw the vegetables and followed Luo Bi. He liked her so much.

When Luo Bi arrived at Wu's house, Wu Shao hadn't eaten yet. Taking advantage of the good sunshine at noon, he was sunbathing in the yard with Wu Shao, who was practicing. After raising Wu Shao for this period of time, he still lacked energy and stayed in the small basket, looking listless.

Yan Shao ran over, Wu Shao, my aunt and I are here.

Wu Shao was weak in energy and was very well-behaved when he hugged the little animal skin blanket. Luo Bi hesitated and gave Wu Shao and Yan Shao a colored crystal stone respectively. Wu Shao wanted to replenish his energy, so he had to rely on the colored crystal.

Wu Shao made a move and looked at Luo Bi in surprise. Colored crystals were too precious. Even if the Wu family used all their connections, they would not be able to get one. Unexpectedly, Luo Bi gave one to Wu Shao as soon as he took action.

Luo Bi sent the colorful crystal stone away and did not go around the bush with Wu Shao. She directly explained her purpose: "I want to hire Wu Shao to accompany me to Green Obsidian. Do you think it's okay?"

"The flame spoon is also coming?" Wu Shao asked cautiously.

Luo Bi nodded with an "ah" sound, and Wu Shao knew what was going on: "Okay, let's go."

Okay, the Wu family is done. Wu Shao is absorbing the colored crystal stones in the small basket. Luo Bi picked up the small basket and left. Yan Shao put the colored crystals into his little pocket, patted them and followed.

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