Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1869: Do people have the power and ability?

When Luo Bi was sure she didn't need to bring anything, she drove the sports car and rushed to Luo Huan's house.

At this time, all the relatives of the Luo family who wanted to go to Qingyao Star were ready to go. The juniors of the Luo family, the aunts, plus Luo Heng's girlfriend, a large group of people were about to catch up with a hunting team. Number of people.

I don't know what to be happy about. The aunts were laughing and laughing and couldn't close their mouths.

Luo Bi: "..." Just like an idiot.

Everyone else was riding a hover car, and those without a hover car squeezed into other people's hover cars. But Luo Bi drove a sports car. The aunts yelled for a while, and the juniors of the Luo family also wanted to laugh. Ouch, there are too many sports cars to drive. fell shame.

"Why are you driving a sports car here?" Luo Qing's mouth twitched and he suggested with a smile: "How about you bring the sports car to my cousin's house and you take my hover car. It's too cold today."

Luo Bi was unmoved. She still had a spoon in her arms. She couldn't hold it back when she was sitting in a car with the Luo family: "No, I can just drive a sports car."

The aunts tried to persuade her, but Luo Bi made up her mind and refused to listen to them. What happened to the sports car? She drives around by herself as she pleases, and no one can control her. She can’t make the decision herself when riding in someone else’s hovercar.

Luo Huan was given a headache by the fuss and reminded: "Okay, everyone is here, hurry up and catch the spaceship! The spaceships flying to Qingyao Star all depart on time."

Everyone cheered and got on the hover car, but Luo Huan refused to go. After giving Luo Qing a few words, Luo Qing took the lead to drive away in the hover car.

The spaceship flying to Qingyao Star can carry aircraft such as hovercars. The Luo family was a large group of people, which was very eye-catching on the spacecraft. The aunts were chattering and felt indescribably superior.

Look at their Luo family, they are prosperous and go out in great numbers. Unlike some big aristocratic families with hundreds or thousands of years of hard work, they don’t even have a child. What is there to do without children?

The women's mouths became bald when they thought this way, and the smiles on their faces never broke.

Luo Bi did not participate in the topic. This topic was too bragging. She had never known that the Luo family could brag so much before. What's wrong with you having so many children? This shows that men are born with strong genes but low in fighting ability and have nothing to show off.

Besides, this was on a spaceship. Didn't you see that some people looked at them not with envy, but with naked idiotic looks? Everyone suspected that there was something wrong with this family.

Not only were others suspicious, Luo Bi also felt that these women in the Luo family were out of their minds.

So what if you have kids? That's yours.

Although the Thunder Flame Warriors with strong congenital genes are rare for children, and even the whole family is crazy about them, what they are looking forward to is their own bloodline. How many more interstellar coins do your children have with others? ! !

People have rights and abilities. Do you have it? A bunch of idiots.

Luo Bi cursed inwardly, pulled up her animal skin cloak and said nothing. The topic was so unhelpful.

Yan Spoon curiously took off a piece of his cloak. It was so noisy that Spoon's head hurt. If I had known this, it wouldn't have followed. I squeezed with the spoon from behind and took a look. What are you looking at? ! Let me see it too.

Luo Bi remained calm and poked the two spoons back with one finger, then tugged on the animal skin cloak and continued to remain expressionless. If you look closely, you can see the faint sarcasm on her face.

Yan Shao was stunned by the poke. He fell back into the pocket of his cloak and hit several spoons.

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