Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1875 It feels very fantasy

"Luo Bi is on Qingyao Star. I want to lead a combat team to pick her up." Fengling quickly mobilized the team. With his ability, it was no problem to dispatch a small luxury spaceship. No one needed to say hello.

When Qin Yilang heard this, he stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

At this time, there was still an hour before dark, and the time could be said to be very tight. The combat meeting was closed. Wen Xiao hurriedly dialed a message to his brother Wen Yao. Wen Yao naturally wanted to go with him. He hung up the message and quickly took a group of people with him. A convoy came over.

After General Qi Lan heard about it at the headquarters, he learned that Fengling had dispatched a small military luxury spaceship, so he immediately replaced it: "How about a small one? Tang Shao, you take a team with you and launch a Go to a medium-sized luxury military spaceship."

As soon as Admiral Qi Lan spoke, the small one was immediately replaced by a medium-sized luxury military spacecraft.

Fengling had no intention of paying attention to this. Several combat teams moved quickly and arrived at Qingyao Star in twenty minutes.

However, when Fengling, Wen Yao, Qin Yilang, and Tang Shao led the team to look for them, Luo Bi still sat on the sports car and did not move. The spoons did not dare to move. Not far away were two second-level alien beasts that did not know whether to live or die. .

Second level alien beast?

Everyone's expressions froze and they took a breath of cold air.

The Thunder Flame warriors were shocked and full of confusion. Two strange beasts, a group of spoons and Luo Bi, distanced themselves from each other and faced each other. Spoon and Luo Bi are doing well, but two alien beasts lie down. Who can tell them what happened? ? ?

Luo Bi saw Fengling leading the team and got out of the sports car with Wen Yushi in her arms. She pointed at the two strange beasts and said loudly: "Hurry up and see if those two camel beasts are dead or alive."

Qin Yilang and Tang Shao walked over. Fengling picked up Luo Bi and wrapped her in a thick animal skin blanket. Luo Bi hugged Wen Yushi and nestled in the man's arms, gradually getting warmer.

"Are you scared?" Feng Ling asked in a warm voice. Luo Bi said softly, "Yeah". Feng Ling pulled her into her arms and sighed: "Don't run around next time."

The man didn't say anything next, and Luo Bi leaned on the man and didn't speak. She tortured the two second-level alien beasts to death. Even now, she feels it's very fantasy. Luo Bi analyzed it and found that it was probably because the camel beast had been frozen for a long time.

As for staring to death, that's nonsense.

At this time, Qin Yilang, Tang Shao, Wen Yao, and Wen Yao looked at the two second-level alien beasts with indescribable expressions. The two camel beasts were frozen to death. It was incredible, but it was true.

"Picked it up?" Wen Xiao asked the others. Anyway, he didn't believe that it was Luo Bi and the spoons who beat him to death.

As for what you picked up?

It seems unlikely. I have never heard of anyone picking up a second-level exotic beast.

Qin Yilang smiled in disbelief: "Don't you think you are so lucky to be able to pick this up?"

Wen Yao glanced at Wen Xiao coolly, and then said, "Pick one up for me and give it a try."

Wen Xiao waved his hand: "I don't have that ability."

Everyone was puzzled, but no matter what, these two were second-level exotic beasts. They mobilized all the troops to go on a mission but couldn't get such a harvest. In the end, Luo Bi got two of them at once.

Qin Yilang is considering whether to take Luo Bi with him on the mission tomorrow. What if he can't refine it? During the last mission, Luo Bi caught a small native pig, and when he went out to play with it, he could also catch two exotic animals. Qin Yilang started to think about it.

Foodie Jiang Yixin was extremely happy: "Do you think Luo Bi will treat us to a meal? The meat of the camel beast is delicious."

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