Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1885 I don’t want her anymore

After shopping in the shopping mall for almost an hour, they went to the underground city again. When they asked about the price of winter supplies, they found that they were ridiculously expensive. It would be more cost-effective to exchange them for items.

Who would buy it if it’s so expensive?

They had enough shopping, and before noon they boarded the spaceship bound for Zhihuang Star.

At night, after Luo Bi drank a bunch of medicinal herbs, she couldn't stand upright. She was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. She just wanted to sleep without wanting to do anything. Maybe it had something to do with being sick in the spaceship. Anyway, she was very sleepy.

Zhu Xingbao became a little adult now. He took the tableware to the sink and washed it with his feet. He didn't forget to let Luo Bi go to rest: "Luo Bi, go to bed. I will do the housework."

Luo Bi took a bag of snacks bought from Emperor Star and put them on the table: "These are snacks. I'm going to bed first."

"Go, go! Leave the housework to me." Zhu Xingbao waved his little hands, very well-behaved and sensible.

Luo Bi slept well this time, but when she woke up at eight o'clock the next day, she still didn't want to move. She said to Zhu Xingbao: "There are still camel steaks at home. You can make whatever you want, and I will sleep again."

Zhu Xingbao happily agreed. He likes to cook his own food and can make whatever he wants. When he opened the refrigerator, the child hesitated for a moment, then took a small piece of camel beast and planned to bake it.

Before he could do anything, Luo Hang's family arrived, bringing five kilograms of exotic animal meat and a box of fruits and vegetables.

Luo Bi slept for most of the day, but still wanted to sleep when she got up. Luo Hang saw that there was nothing wrong with her, and felt much more at ease. Only then did Guan Zhuting smile, and she made different kinds of food for Luo Bi for several days.

After Fengling came back from the mission, she saw that Luo Bi didn't get enough sleep every day, so she immediately called Zhan Yi to ask about the situation.

Zhan Yi didn't take it seriously: "She thinks too much in her head. The herbs I prescribed for her can give her a proper rest. Don't worry, although I don't like Luo Bi, I use the best herbs."

Fengling trusted her friend, but she still asked the eldest princess Feng Shu.

Feng Shu also said that the problem is not big, and it will be fine once Luo Bi has rested: "Let her rest properly, don't stay up late, and play less light brain games. After a while, her natural ability will improve."

Okay, Fengling is not in a hurry to go on missions, but this innate ability? Fengling snorted, having talent is not necessarily a good thing.

Fengling was most concerned about Luo Bi's health. When she was not on a mission, she would take a nap with Luo Bi and think about what to eat. There are a lot of fresh ingredients in the underground city and Qingyao Star. Fengling took the time to go around and buy back the rare ones.

Fengling had savings and spent them without blinking an eye. Unfortunately, Luo Bixu didn't get enough and stopped eating after two days.

At this time, the family members of the garrison began to criticize Luo Bi again, saying that she was cowardly, prodigal, and had nowhere to spend her interstellar coins. There was nothing wrong with her at first, but she insisted on buying herbs to eat. Maybe one day Feng Ling would get tired of it and I wouldn't want her anymore.

Luo Bi didn't have time to care about what others said. After finishing the herbs she brought back, her mind was no longer so confused. I had slept enough every day, so I went to Shuiyue Bamboo Garden to get five days worth of herbs. After eating them, I felt mostly better.

That's right, it won't work if you use your brain.

When getting the herbs again, Zhan Yi thought about it and changed it to tonics.

It is said that after ten days of recuperation, it is time to change the tonic.

After reading it, Luo Bi shook her head: "It's probably not suitable for me. It's too supplementary."

Even imperial concubine mother-of-pearl is used. From the name, you can tell it is a good thing. Imperial concubine mother-of-pearl is rare enough. Adding a mother-of-pearl to it, I think it is very complementary.

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