Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1887 It’s best to be energy wood

The top ten combat teams of Zhihuang Star have been on missions recently. It is said that Feng Zixun's team is the largest and has the most complete equipment. Most of the garrison families like to go on missions with Feng Zixun's large combat team.

Luo Bi also wanted to ask whose team Lan Qiao went on the mission with, but when the words came to her lips, she stopped asking. It was pointless to ask.

"The harvest is not bad." Lan Qiao's face looked happy. She wanted to find a place to sit in the planting field. She turned her eyes and couldn't find it. She continued to stand and said: "You don't know how dangerous it is to go on a mission. From time to time, you will If you encounter a strange beast, you won’t dare to fight against it even if you’re not well-equipped.”

Luo Bi's hand digging into the purple grape tree paused: "What planet did you go to? Are there many alien beasts? I remember that Blazing Star only encountered an alien beast occasionally, and it was a first-level small alien beast, not as many as you said. .”

"When did you go on a mission? It's much more dangerous now than it was then, and there are strange beasts everywhere." Lan Qiao waved her hand, walked to a purple grape tree, and pinched the branch: "It's quite dry. Energy wood is the best, I see you have a lot of dry purple grape trees at home, give me one or two and I will dig them myself."

"No." Luo Bi snorted and refused simply: "I don't have much nutritional and energy ingredients at home. I plan to sell the purple grape wood. Sorry, I can't give it away."

Lan Qiao wanted to say that she would buy it, but thinking about the energy trees she had chopped back from this mission, she stopped mentioning it. There is no shortage of energy wood outside the safe zone. As long as you are not afraid of hard work, you can just chop some more when you have time. Lan Qiao is reluctant to buy it.

Lan Qiao had always felt that Luo Bi was stingy, and now she was even more dissatisfied. It was just a purple grape tree used as firewood. What's wrong with a neighbor giving it to her? I'm so used to it that I don't even understand the world.

Lan Qiao was dissatisfied, so she stimulated Luo Bi from other places, talking loudly about who the talented bonder had refined the formation weapon, and who had refined the formation disk. When it comes to Zhou Ya, Lan Qiao is so envious that she doesn't know how to praise her. She is really envious and not at all hypocritical.

"Zhou Ya refined a formation plate two days ago. It's an offensive type. It's said to be very powerful." As she spoke, Lan Qiao's face turned red with excitement: "You don't know, the military department rewarded Zhou Ya with a limited edition car. It’s a luxurious military sports car, I’ve seen that car before, it’s so luxurious.”

When Lan Qiao mentioned a sports car, she reminded Luo Bi that she also wanted to buy one.

Lan Qiao played for more than half an hour, and her mouth was dry. Luo Bi had no time to pour her water, so Lan Qiao went home. This time she went on a mission and dug up a bag of wild vegetables. Lan Qiao planned to put meat from exotic animals on it and make steamed buns to eat at night.

Luo Bi dug up a purple grape tree and stopped digging. She went to the Star Network to browse sports cars. Several combat teams on the mission that night all cooked delicious food. Feng Zixun even held a party for it.

Luo Bi didn't go. She was not familiar with Feng Zixun and his wife. Besides, she couldn't stay up late at night and wanted to sleep as soon as it got dark.

The herbs Zhan Yi specially prescribed were too harsh. In the past, Luo Bi often stayed up late when going on missions, and her sleep quality was not good. But now it's better. She doesn't have trouble falling asleep at all, and she sleeps very well.

Luo Bi had no motivation to do anything. When she was happy, she would dig a purple grape tree. When she was unhappy, she would read a book, or go to Feizhu Star to live for a while and let Guan Zhuting prepare delicious food for her.

Within a month, Luo Heng's mother made Luo Bi useless. Luo Hang angrily lectured Guan Zhuting: "Don't let that girl come to our house in the future and make fun of people all day long. She doesn't even look at her own virtues."

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