Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1889 Never play tricks

Fengling came to Feizhuxing to pick up Luo Bi and try the car. Fengling invited Tang Shao to the living room for tea.

After Qin Yilang, Luo Jie and Wen Yao heard about it, they stopped resting at home and brought food and drinks over to have a party. They have been busy with missions this month and haven't had much time to have a meal together. They took advantage of Tang Shao's presence to have a meal together.

Li Feng asked Jiang Yixin to cook. Although the food was in short supply now, it was still possible for the senior officers to have a meal together. Most of them came with the meat of exotic animals. Fengling had a complete range of nutritious seasonings at home, and coupled with Li Feng's cooking skills, it was no problem to prepare a rich lunch.

The partridge chickens in the planting field were thin and thin, and the longer they got, the less meat they had. Luo Bi decided to eat them: "Li Feng, my partridge chickens don't have a few ounces of meat. You can do whatever you want."

Li Feng jumped onto the planting field and caught a small partridge: "Hey, why are you so thin?"

Luo Bi: "...I often forget to feed."

Okay, Li Feng had nothing to say, so he called Jiang Yixin and two people to start catching partridges. Luo Bi was still new to the new sports car given by the admiral, so she ran for another spin and came back to help Li Feng.

"Robi!" Roger shouted.

Luo Bi dropped what she was doing and walked over: "What do you want me to do?"

"Are you really not refining?" Roger glanced at Feng Ling's sharp eyes and smiled: "I don't mean anything else. I'm just curious. Does it matter if you don't refining? Do you still have a headache?"

How to answer this? Luo Bi laughed: "It won't hurt if you play all day long."

Roger: "...This problem is quite good, I won't be tired."

Wen Yao immediately laughed. This woman is interesting and never plays tricks. Qin Yilang's mind was not here. He raised his head and took a sip of tea. Without answering, Tang Shao choked and stopped drinking.

Fengling raised her eyebrows and favored it without hesitation: "It's very good. My Abi won't refine it anymore."

Luo Bi liked hearing this, so she stopped refining it. Everyone was talking about the mission, but Luo Bi couldn't get in the middle of the conversation, so she went to the kitchen area to choose vegetables. Hua Ran was worried that Luo Bi didn't have much food here, so she brought over a piece of exotic animal meat that Yan Lao had just received from home.

"It's different if we have a spoon with Lingzhi at home. There's no shortage of exotic animal meat at any time." Li Feng said enviously, blanched the exotic animal meat that Hua Ran brought, and planned to eat it with sauce.

Jiang Yixin's face changed and she looked gloomy. Li Feng saw it and cursed himself secretly. Jiang Yixin had always been worried about the energy water ball blowing up. Why did he bring this up? ! !

Luo Bi snorted and advised Jiang Yixin: "What does it mean if you destroy an energy water ball? I have refined a lot of things. Except for the ones that the Thunder Flame Warriors participated in the refining, I can't use the others. I don't think there is any." What."

"That's different." Jiang Yixin retorted, still in a bad mood.

Luo Bi stopped answering. After choosing the dishes, she went to the living room to listen to others talking.

Qin Yilang said: "We have a day off today. We will go on a mission tomorrow. Let's discuss the mission location."

"I suggest going to Blazing Star. I got an offensive formation disk." Wen Yao took out the formation disk and showed it to everyone: "Wen Fei refined it. I tried it. The lethality should be okay."

Qin Yilang and Fengling looked at each other, and Fengling said, "Then Blazing Star."

Blazing Star has a second-level combat power of the Flame Duck Beast, and there are also other planets. Instead of choosing an unfamiliar planet to fight, it is better to go to Blazing Star to hunt.

After deciding on the mission planet, the next step is to formulate an action strategy and raise resources.

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