Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1894 Collecting Supplies

Since the galaxy war season to now, the Thunder Flame warriors have formulated a strategy. Once a strange beast is discovered, all hunting teams and mercenary groups must work together to fight, leaving time for the logistics team to set aside an area to collect supplies.

At this time, there were five first-level alien beasts fighting against humans on the battlefield, all of which were flaming duck beasts that could fly and scream. Lan Rui, Zhan Kuai, and Tang Wen's teams were obviously unable to cope with them.

Not far away, strange beasts heard the call and were coming one after another.

Qin Yilang couldn't sit idly by and said immediately: "Colonel Luo, lead a team of people to protect the family members."

Roger's body has not recovered well and he is not suitable to participate in the battle, but he can still lead the logistics. Qin Yilang quickly made arrangements and led the team to rush forward to join the battle. Wen Yao arranged for Lu Xiao to escort the family members of the hunting team, and then led the team to join the battle.

Hang Yifan, who was traveling with him, was also unambiguous and led his team to follow him.

When the later alien beasts arrived and were blocked by the Thunder Flame warriors in the battle area, Roger and Lu Xiao led the logistics team to protect the women and joined other safe zones designated by several companies to disperse and collect supplies.

There's a battle going on over there, how can we collect supplies here?

As the saying goes, grab it. No matter what you find, grab it quickly.

Nearly ten teams of logistics personnel were grabbing things at the foot of a mountain. The fighting was no less intense than dealing with strange beasts on the battlefield. Those with the gifted ability used their mental power to detect, while those without the gifted ability dug wild vegetables on the spot to look for all valuable things. .

The edge of this dense forest has already been searched for. People from the Lan family, Zhan family, Tang family, and other hunting teams arrived first, so they naturally seized the opportunity. Anyone who doesn't take the opportunity to collect would be a fool.

The thoughtful one finds good things quietly, but the careless one is afraid that others will not know that she has found something, so she shouts, pounces on a group of people, and makes the caller cry in anger.

Who can blame this?

Who told her to yell blindly? Deserve it.

People from so many teams got into chaos when they entered the jungle. The Thunder Flame warriors were cutting energy trees or inspecting the surrounding environment, while the women scattered throughout the jungle.

The Wen family's logistics team found a small basket of dried red dates. Wen Fei took a fancy to Luo Bi's sports car, walked over and asked, "How about you put my basket in your car and carry it for me?"

not so good? Luo Bi didn't want to deal with Wen Fei, so she declined politely: "Qin Cui and Huang Xinling also said to put things in my car. You can't put some things in the back of the sports car. You can find another way!"

"Forget it." Wen Fei's expression changed, she turned around and left, obviously angry.

Luo Bi breathed out and silently went to the side to dig wild vegetables. People from both teams were holding Wen Fei in their hands. She made people angry and felt uneasy. Luo Bi wasn't worried about anything else. What if Wen Fei got angry and refused to let the first combat team use the array?

But following Wen Fei's wishes?

Luo Bi didn't want to.

Really, Luo Bi is tired of it, there are so many things going on between people.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Bi had no intention of digging wild vegetables. She went to Roger and Lu Xiao who were cutting energy wood and told Wen Fei what had made her angry. She had no idea herself and could let others think of a solution.

"Why are you provoking her? She knows how to refine formation disks and elixirs." Roger didn't mean to blame Luo Bi, but he was a little upset: "You can't use your natural ability now, so you should try to provoke her as little as possible. Now Wen Wen Yao wants to give her three points."

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