Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1911 Mountain and Forest Terrain

During the meal, not to mention how happy the children were. They had not eaten such good nutritious food for a long time.

Zhu Xingbao's mouth was full of oil: "Luo Bi, can I stay at your house?"

Before Luo Bi could say anything, Zhu Xingzhi blocked him: "No."

Zhu Xingjie brought barbecue for his brothers and said: "Bao'er, let's be more prosperous, and you just leave after one meal? With your foodie belly, no one dares to take you home and give you a piece of local pork." , come home with me when you’re full.”

Zhu Xingshao turned to ask Luo Bi: "Are you going back to Zhihuang Planet in the afternoon? My great-grandfather said that the weather may change at any time these days. During the last galaxy war season, two thousand years ago, there was a sudden rain and snow at the end of winter, and the aircraft No one can travel.”

Can’t even travel by aircraft?

Luo Bi was stunned for a moment, thoughtful.

Zhu Xingshao raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was cloudy and didn't see anything. He suddenly smiled and said: "Fortunately, the galaxy war season has been postponed for a few years. Otherwise, we are young and don't know how to live. Food would be a problem."

Luo Hang smiled: "You know quite a lot."

"I often listen to what my great-grandfather said." Zhu Xingshao cut a piece of roast pork and thought about it before eating it. His combat power and physical fitness are among the best among the younger generation. Only when he has enough energy can he fight to find ingredients. Even a small one is not inferior to this mouthful of local pork.

Fengling and Hua Ran were eating and did not participate in the conversation, but Luo Bi felt the urgency of Zhu Xingshao and others. She looked at the sky and couldn't tell whether there was any weather. She didn't have the eyesight to observe the sky.

"How about we continue into the forest in the afternoon." Luo Bi took a bite of the roasted pork, which was a bit greasy. She looked at her closest relatives, not knowing who to give it to.

Luo Hang didn't pay attention and Fengling asked: "Don't want to eat?"

Luo Bi nodded: "Yeah, I'm tired of eating it."

Fengling took the roasted pork from her hand and put a plate of roasted vegetables in front of her. Originally, the best ingredient on the table was the pork, but Luo Bi couldn't eat it and there was nothing she could do.

"Okay, let's go together." When Zhu Xingshao heard that he had entered the forest, he excitedly agreed: "Orange Spoon has gone home. Don't forget to call Orange Spoon later. He is familiar with the terrain of the mountains and forests."

Luo Bi knew what Zhu Xingshao was thinking as soon as she heard it, and said with a smile: "Yes, call Cheng Cai Fan, it knows which mountain top beast is easy to bully, and we will find the weak ones to fight."

While talking, Luo Bi couldn't wait any longer and sent Orange Spoon a message to ask him to come over.

The flaming spoon comes closer, and the flaming spoon goes too.

Luo Bi smiled and nodded: "Yes, I'll take you with me."

Flame Spoon was happy and played with fireballs happily. Guan Zhuting heated up a pot of fresh moo beast milk and poured a cup for herself if she wanted to drink it. After dinner, everyone drank the milk of the moo beast, sat for a while, prepared their equipment and went into the forest again.

Orange Spoon is very familiar with the nearby hills. It knows which strange beasts are not easy to mess with and which ones are easy to bully. A group of people follow it around several hills and kill the strange beasts when they see them.

Luo Bi was looking for native pigs at first, but when she realized that it was really hard to find them, she dug up wild vegetables and looked for mushrooms. She was relatively familiar with Mishan, and he also asked her to find a nest of winged rabbits. She ran away with one and caught two.

The Thunder Flame warriors also had a great harvest. Under the leadership of Orange Spoon, they killed 21 first-level alien beasts. This is not to say how powerful this team, which is mainly composed of children, is, but mainly because Orange Spoon is powerful.

Orange Spoon specializes in pulling out weak alien beasts and beating them.

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