Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1914 This is good too

This time Luo Bi felt a little dizzy on the spaceship and couldn't keep up her energy when she got home.

Luo Bi leaned on the sofa for a while, feeling a little strange. It had been a long time since she had fainted from an aircraft. The fainting aircraft is different from others. I feel uncomfortable all over and have a headache. It is even more uncomfortable than releasing my mental power.

Fengling came back from putting things in the planting field. She couldn't stand it anymore. She washed her hands and gently pressed her eyebrows: "If you really don't feel energetic, go and take a nap. I'll heat up a cup of moo beast milk for you and you'll be fine after a nap." "

Luo Bi was about to go to bed, and nodded when she heard this and went to wash up. Fengling went into the kitchen, poured the moo beast milk into the milk pot, and boiled it over low heat. It was time for him to go to the Emperor Star. It was obviously not possible to go empty-handed. He made some calculations and planned to go to the Emperor Star as soon as possible.

The Galaxy War Season can improve a woman's physique and extend her lifespan. Fengling will never miss this opportunity.

Isn’t it just about eating well and replenishing nutrients and energy ingredients every day? Fengling estimated her net worth and found that she could definitely do it.

After the milk was boiled, Fei Ling took it back to the bedroom. Luo Bi took a sip of the warm moo beast milk. She couldn't tell how it tasted, so she drank it silently and fell asleep. Fengling tucked her in the quilt, took the documents and leaned on the bedside to handle official duties. The room was so quiet that the only sound she could hear was the turning of pages.

After a while, Fengling went out to answer a call and came back to continue reading the documents.

Luo Bi slept deeply and didn't wake up until noon. She was confused for a while and still wanted to sleep. Fengling stopped leaning on her this time and went to the balcony to fill up a bowl of shanzhi soup. She fed Luo Bi a drink before letting her sleep again.

Fengling looked at Luo Bi's sleeping face and chuckled after a while. Luo Bi was too lazy and liked sleeping the most.

But this is fine, it is better than having your heart as high as the sky and wanting to cling to high branches.

Fengling collected the documents and took advantage of the opportunity to drive out in a military hover vehicle. Prices in the underground city are now extremely high, which discourages many people who come here to shop, but Fengling still bought the freshest large items without blinking an eye. shrimp, and red claw crab.

River fresh soup is the most nourishing. As long as it nourishes the body, Fengling is not stingy with it.

After returning home, Fengling went back to the bedroom and took a look. Luo Bi opened her eyes.

Fengling walked over and sat on the bed, and asked warmly, "Do you want to get up? You've been sleeping for most of the day, so get up and move around."

Luo Bi hugged the quilt and closed her eyes: "I still want to sleep."

Fengling doted on her and stretched out her hand to straighten the quilt: "Then sleep a little longer."

Luo Bi continued to sleep, while Fengling went to the large balcony to sort out the ingredients she had bought. She kept fresh river fish in a basin so that they would always be fresh to eat. Put the nutritious fruits in the cabinet and put the vegetables aside. Fengling opened the spice cabinet, took a cursory look, got up and went out again.

More than an hour later, Fengling came back and bought almost all the nutritious seasonings she could buy.

Fengling put the seasonings into categories, washed her hands and prepared dinner. The exotic animal meat was soaked in water, braised in a pot for an hour and a half, and then put on the grill and sprinkled with nutritious seasonings for roasting.

In addition, Fengling made another river soup.

Luo Bi woke up and went to the balcony to watch Fengling cook. Fengling was worried that she would be bored, so she found river melon seeds for her to eat and play with. Luo Bi's eyes were in a trance. She had forgotten that Fengling didn't take it out. She also had freshly roasted river melon seeds at home.

After dinner in the evening, Luo Biwo watched Star TV in the man's arms. She didn't watch any romantic dramas, she didn't watch Talent Competition, and God of War in the Galaxy was even more nonsense. Watching this kind of thing would be better than watching Galaxy Food .

That is, you can only see it but not eat it.

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