Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1921 gave everyone a surprise

Wu Cheng quickly jumped down from the planting field: "Ginseng grass and Sanzhi are still growing in the ground. It's not a dream. Little Fireball really planted a large area of ​​Ginseng grass and Sanzhi."

Really speechless, the head of the Zhu family smiled and raised his feet to look at the planting fields of other spoons. Luo Bi trotted to keep up, while the others behind him were in ups and downs, looking forward to an unexpected surprise.

Wen's little fireball has grown something, and he guesses that Spoon will definitely have a surprise waiting for them.

As expected, the spoons gave everyone a surprise.

Tangshuo grows food crops, and also plants a small area of ​​shanzhi and ginseng in the corners of the planting field. His ability is impressive. Yan Shao planted half rice and half wheat. The planting field was surrounded by flowers and plants, which was pleasing to the eye at first glance.

That’s it! It is so dark that only an unusual person can see the pleasing feeling.


The reason is simple, these are not ordinary flowers and plants, but energy flowers and plants that can appease the strong genes of Thunder Flame Warriors and are beneficial to women.

Being dark does not affect its value.

Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh, "It's good. Zhan Yi can't pull him up anymore. Yan Shao now grows energy flowers and plants. Zhan Yi's energy flowers and plants are not the only ones." Last time her family bought Zhan Yi's energy flowers and plants, they spent a lot of interstellar coins, and she won't buy his ones in the future.

"Call Bai Yan and ask him to come quickly." The head of the Zhu family reminded Wei Yu.

Wei Yu recovered from his daze and said, "Oh, let me ask him where he is."

In the morning, the head of the Zhu family called Bai Yan for the spoon. Wei Yun thought Bai Yan was already on his way, but who knew that he had dialed a message, but Bai Yan said that he had arrived at Feizhu Star sooner or later, and he hadn't left yet.

Wei Yu took a deep breath and took the communicator to the planting field for Bai Yan to see for himself. What he said was not polite: "If you are really busy, don't come here. It's just some nutritious energy ingredients and energy flowers and plants. I'll help." You transplanted.”

It can be transplanted, but it doesn't matter whose home it is moved to.

If Bai Yan didn't come, Wei Yuzhen would transplant half of it to his own home. Who told Bai Yan not to come? He had informed Bai Yan in the morning and he still hasn't left yet. Who's to blame? ! !

"Energy flowers and plants?" Bai Yan on the opposite side was surprised and unsure.

Luo Bi came over to add to the chaos and said to the communicator: "What energy flowers and plants? You heard Wei Yu fooling you, take a closer look, these are ordinary flowers and plants."

Wei Yu secretly twitched the corner of his mouth, this woman is so bad, she always fools people.

Who is Bai Yan?

The chief occultist of the Fengyao Empire is a direct descendant of the Bai family. How can he be so easy to fool? However, this time Wei Yu thought wrongly. Bai Yan looked carefully, with doubts in his eyes, and he actually believed Luo Bi.


The flowers and plants he saw were all dark. No matter how good his eyes were, Bai Yan couldn't tell whether the flowers or plants contained energy. Luo Bi's expression seemed real. It was normal for Bai Yan to be doubtful.

Wei Yu said angrily: "Come here quickly, otherwise we will be separated."

The effect of these words was very good. Bai Yan no longer had any doubts. He immediately stood up from the office chair and took his coat: "I'll be there right away."

Wei Yu hung up the call, and then everyone went to He Shao's planting field.

He Shao planted only energy flowers and some small mountain mushrooms, but no crops at all.

This was enough for He Yun to be proud of. He roughly estimated its value, and the more he calculated, the happier he became. Look at how promising his spoon is, so what if he has no fighting ability? You can also grow energy flowers and plants.

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