Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1927 This mind

Wen Yao and He Yun didn't know what to say. What's wrong with them? It really makes people speechless. Who would have thought that the late-blooming Lingzhi array would have so many tricks.

Just pick the small ones, it's better not to make the spoon unhappy because of this. Look, you know it's a trick.

Wei Yu was so angry that he laughed: "Okay, listen to He Shao, the small ones are delicious, let's eat the small ones."

He was not really angry, so he washed the petal-like fruit with flowing spring water, shook off the water on it, cut it into small pieces with a dagger and divided it up. One petal fruit for each person, just taste it.

Wu Shao reminded: "Give Luo Bi a fruit petal."

Luo Bi never showed any interest in flowers and fruits from the beginning, and she didn't want them even if they ate them. This was a rare thing. If people didn't come close to her, Wu Shao could only remind her.

Without waiting for Wei Yu's reaction, Luo Bi shook her head and said, "No need to give it to me, I won't eat it." One fruit segment was gone in one bite, so it would be better not to eat it.

In this way, Wei Yu did not give it to Luo Bi, and several Leiyan warriors tasted it.

"It's not quite ripe yet." Wu Shao commented, thinking of He Shao's little thoughts, he smiled and said: "The other one is red fruit flavor, this one tastes the same as purple grape fruit, two varieties of one fruit tree, not bad ."

Luo Bi asked curiously: "Is that delicious?" She was more concerned about whether the fruit was sour or not.

"You will know after you try it yourself. I will pick one for you." He Yun is not stingy at all. He is not an ignorant He spoon.

You actually let people pick the small ones?

He Yun laughed, shook his head speechlessly, and stretched out his hand to pick the flowers and fruits.

Luo Bi was anxious and waved her hands quickly: "I'm just asking, please don't pick it, I won't eat it."

Just now, Wei Yu and several Leiyan warriors shared a flower and fruit, which shows that the thing is very rare. How could she have the nerve to let someone pick another one because of her?

Luo Bi stopped He Yun, and Tang Shao took up the topic: "The pulp is soft and contains enough sugar, suitable for women and children."

Luo Bi hasn't tasted it, so she won't comment. As long as it's not sour, it's so sour that I really can't eat it.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was eager to know the value of this flower and fruit tree, so he picked one and asked the inspector to test it. The purple flowers and fruits belonged to the same species as the red ones. But the taste is different, the red one is red fruit flavor, and the purple one is purple grape flavor.

At this time, Wu Cheng found another flower and fruit tree in the field where Wen's Little Fireball was planted. It was also red fruit-flavored. It had more fruits hanging than the tree with He Ladle, and it was so red and pleasing to the eye.

I looked for them again, but they were gone, just these three.

That was enough. General Mi discussed with He Shao with a smile and picked a small basket of flowers and fruits.

That little basket is so small that it can’t hold up to ten flowers and fruits. To be precise, ten is already very full.

How full is it?

Just put one in and two out, and it's so full that I can't put it down anymore.

He couldn't pick much from such a small basket, so He Shao agreed. Wen Yao and others had probably guessed what Lieutenant General Mi would be used for. Flowers and fruits were rare fruits. He didn't think about it other than giving them to the talented concubines of the military.

By now Luo Bi had seen enough excitement, what was there to see? Just seeing Lieutenant General Mi and a few other people with arrays happy, but the things didn't belong to her, so there was no point in looking at them.

Just as Luo Bi was about to leave, He Yun took out a small basket to pick flowers and fruits: "Wait a minute, I will pick some flowers and fruits for you."

Luo Bi didn't have the nerve to ask for it, so she refused: "Don't pick it off, I don't want it."

He Yun didn't say anything and asked Wu Cheng to pick flowers and fruits together. Wei Yu stepped on the stone and was in a good position, so he also helped.

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