Luo Bi didn't really go to play, she is not good at refining medicine, but she is good at extracting it! At the very least, extracting the first-level Jade Jadeite is like playing for her. Besides, Chiluan Mountain is full of Jadeites, so it's a good thing she didn't take the opportunity to practice.

If there is fun on Chiluan Mountain, she will play it, and if it is not fun, she will pick it up. Luo Bi made up her mind, and seeing Feng Ling leading someone to the suspension car, she threw away the river melon seeds and said to Jiang Yixin: "I want to go with Feng Ling Chiluan Mountain is playing, Lan Qiao is here, you send her away."

"Okay, you go, that woman is really annoying." Jiang Yixin felt the same way, sitting cross-legged on the straw mat and waving her hands to let Luo Bi just go: "She has no excuse to stay when you are not here, a few words can get her away send away."

Luo Bi ran a few steps, turned around and threw a few candies to Jiang Yixin: "I don't like sweets."

Luo Bizhen had a bad head, Jiang Yixin picked it up in a hurry, peeled one and put it in his mouth, tasted it: "It's not sweet!" The taste, Jiang Yixin likes this taste.

"Feng Ling!" Luo Bi yelled when she saw that Feng Ling had opened the car door.

When Feng Ling turned his head, Luo Bi ran towards him with a smile, "I want to go to Chiluan Mountain with you."

Knowing that she was hiding from Lan Qiao, Feng Ling smiled lightly: "Get in the car."

Luo Bi happily got into the car, Feng Ling sat in the driver's seat, and the others got on the suspension car behind, and five cars drove out of the station in a row. Before the convoy reached the other side of the river, Luo Bi felt unwell, and the nausea surged up one after another. This was another motion sickness.

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Ling asked, Luo Bi's expression was not right.

"It's uncomfortable, I probably got motion sickness."

Motion sickness? Feng Ling thought it was funny, but Luo Bi really looked uncomfortable, he said: "Come here."

Luo Bi didn't know why, Feng Ling was in the driver's seat, she was in the co-pilot, Feng Ling let her go, where did she go?

Seeing that she didn't understand, Feng Ling pulled her into his arms with one hand: "It's more comfortable to lie in my arms."

The position of being held in the arms of the man did relieve a little discomfort, Robbie adjusted her body, snuggled up to the man's chest and closed her eyes.

Feng Ling looked down at her: "Do you feel better this way?"

Robbie gave a soft "um", thinking that it would be nice to have a cold drink at this time. Feng Ling didn't say anything to disturb Luo Bi's rest, and drove all the way to Chiluan Mountain.

As soon as the hover car landed, Luo Bi opened her eyes: "Here we are."

Feng Ling nodded, carefully observing Luo Bi's expression: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Luo Bi shook her head, Feng Ling hugged her and got out of the car, Luo Bi felt that this was not good-looking: "Put me down."

Feng Ling put her down, Luo Bi hesitated and said: "I want to practice my hand, can I use the Jadeite here?"

"It works, just go to the mine and ask Wen Xiao for a basket." Feng Ling instructed, "I'll discuss something with Meng Chi, and if you have anything to do, come to me."


Luo Bi had already set her sights on the location of the mine, and ran all the way there, Feng Ling smiled and shook her head, like a child.

At the entrance of the mine, Wen Xiao was staring at Jieshi, the master Shijie. The quality of the first batch of Jadeite excavated is very good, and their Senior Advisory Group of the Wen family also said after appraisal that a fist-sized Jadeite can extract about 100 milliliters of energy liquid, and the energy extraction is no less than 50 grams.

Such a high amount of extraction made Wen Xiao excited just thinking about it.

"Wen Xiao, I want to use Jadeites to practice my hands, you can give me some first-class Jadeites." Luo Bi approached.

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