Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1947 The more the better

Didn't these people just think she couldn't extract it and wanted to see her laugh? Then just watch the joke.

Coincidentally, Luo Bi also has this hobby.

Jiang Xinger was selfish and added with a smile: "Zhou Ya and I are just making up for the jade stones. You can practice with the jade stones from Major General Leng's family first. If it's not enough, use the jade stones from both of us."

It sounded nice, but Luo Bi didn't applaud her. No matter how nice it sounded, it still meant the same thing. Who couldn't understand it? However, Jiang Xi'er thought of going together with her, and she also wanted to practice with the cold jade first.

"I'll get you a few more dollars." Xue Ya is used to the tricks between talented consorts. How could she not see what Jiang Xiner and Zhou Ya mean? But this is none of her business. She won't join in the fun, so After hesitating for a moment, he brought a small cardboard box over: "Including what I just gave you, there are a total of twenty jade stones. There are many junior talent bonders attending the party, and there are not so many wood attributes. You can take care of the rest. Let’s see.”

Nowadays, the first-level talent bonder is different from the previous level-1 talent bonder. It is mixed with water, and the beginners cannot control other attributes, so they consume more wood attribute jade stones.

After dividing the circle, there were not many wood attributes left. Xue Ya gave Luo Bi six pieces, and the other fourteen pieces had various attributes.

The junior talent master who was new to extraction knew nothing about extraction. Normally, he shouldn't give so many jade stones at once, but Xue Ya took the decision to give twenty jade stones considering Luo Bi's husband's identity and military position. Emerald.

Among the fourteen jade stones, there are many offensive fire, wind and water elements. Xue Ya did not participate in Zhou Ya and the others' tricks, but it did not prevent her from having her own ideas. She also wanted to test Luo Bi's abilities. .

Luo Bi nodded and dragged the small carton in front of her. The more the better. Fifty yuan was not too much for her. She had already broken it because of Leng Lie's extraction. She also mixed in the four yuan for Zhou Ya and Jiang Xi'er. cannot be extracted.

Luo Bi took a piece of wood jadeite and held it in her hand. Qin Cui saw everything and was a little unhappy with Zhou Ya's behavior: "Okay, what are you doing standing here? Go and do your work. !”

Everyone was embarrassed. There are rules in the talent world. People are refining and extracting. It is easy for them to be annoying while watching. Realizing this, several people walked away.

Bai Xian leaned out of the sofa chair and took a look, then lay back down and closed her eyes to rest.

"Luo Bi, can you extract it?" Qin Cui asked with concern.

"I don't know, you'll know if you try it." Luo Bicai didn't tell the truth. She didn't want to extract it in the first place. Naturally, she felt unhappy when she was forced to extract it, so she held the jadeite in her hand and gave all the jadeites together. Bad play.

Wei Zi was still extracting the jade stone. At this time, he divided his mind and said hesitantly: "There are two kinds of energy in the jade stone. You just need to separate them and drive them out."

We can't let Wei Zi talk any more. Didn't you see that Yun Wan listened with his ears perked up? Luo Bi withdrew her gaze from observing the jade stone and interrupted Wei Zi: "How is your extraction going? Is it almost successful?"

Wei Zi shook his head: "Not yet."

Luo Bi ignored her and gave Yun Guan a meaningful look. The other party was startled and immediately pretended to be busy refining. Luo Bi dared to say that she would definitely not be able to refine it in this furnace.

He is multitasking and has a lot of thoughts. He is also particularly good at pretending. It is strange that he can be refined.

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