Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1962 The ground has been scratched

Luo Bi felt a sudden thought. She thought that the large hunting team had already started fighting with the alien beasts, but she didn't know how the battle was going.

Wen Xiao frowned and asked a few people to go down the small rock mountain. Everyone was familiar with Qingyao Star, but the risk factor would definitely be higher if they were far away from the safe area. If nothing else, a first-level alien beast would be enough to keep them busy. of.

"If it doesn't work out, we'll join Lan Rui's hunting team." Wen Xiao led the way, and the others followed: "Lan Rui and I have a good relationship. This guy shouldn't trick us."

Hua Ran and the others had no problem with it, but Lan Rui and the others were fairly familiar with each other. It was better than joining a team they didn’t know. When the time comes to kill the alien beasts, the unjust hunting team may deduct the meat of the alien beasts, but Lan Rui is not too bad.

We all discussed it and moved forward.

After hearing this, Luo Bi paid no attention to the rest. As she walked, she looked around, thinking that she would dig up some wild vegetables, but she didn't know that there were not even any whole ones.

"Why are there no wild vegetables?" Luo Bi was surprised. After careful observation, she found that there were wild vegetables. They had been dug up and all that was left were stems. "Who dug this? It's too clean."

Hua Ran and the others were not idle, searching for things along the road, but found nothing.

"I don't know." Jiang Yixin was also puzzled. She rummaged through the grass and said, "Not only are there no wild vegetables, but supposedly it's already spring if the weather hadn't been bad. Why aren't there even a cluster of mushrooms? This is wrong!"

Hua Ran saw it clearly: "It must have been dug up too hard. The territory that was conquered was so big, and I didn't dare to go far away. I could only work hard in this area, so I searched hard."

Several people thought the same thing, but as they walked all the way there, there were no wild vegetables or mushrooms at all. Luo Bi was puzzled at first, but when she saw a few rich and powerful women taking hoes and even hoeing the ground, she knew what was going on.

The ground has been scratched, but you still want to dig wild vegetables and pick mushrooms? ? ?

Luo Bihehe, Hua Ran and Wen Xiao looked at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes. Human beings have been forced to do this, which shows how scarce nutritious food is.

At this time, several large hunting teams have united to fight because of two first-level alien beasts. These two first-level alien beasts are colorful alien beasts, and their combat power is the best among the alien beasts.

Therefore, the scene became chaotic during the fight.

The small hunting teams and mercenary groups that were active around them all thought carefully when they saw it. This was a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters. As long as they participated in the battle, they might be allocated the meat of exotic beasts.

If you don't take action at this time, you will miss a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, the Thunder Flame warriors with strong genes who were still able to use their weapons immediately swung their swords and rushed into the main battlefield. The Thunder Flame warriors with strong genes below S level did not move. Fishing in troubled waters also requires qualifications. Forget about those with lower levels, so as not to lose them. Little life.

"Li Feng, you and Luo Bi collect supplies, and Hua Ran, Jiang Yixin, and I join the battle." Wen Xiao quickly made arrangements.

However, Jiang Yixin was hesitant and unhappy: "Let Li Feng go. Luo Bi and I will collect supplies together. I have strong combat power. If there are strange beasts, I can protect Luo Bi at any time."

Li Feng always gave in to him and did not argue with Jiang Yixin. Luo Bi listened to the sounds of fighting and the roars of strange beasts in the direction of the main battlefield, and said, "I can do it myself, you all can go! It's okay to earn a piece of meat for lunch!" "

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