Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 198 Buying a Medicine Cauldron

Li Feng opened his mouth and organized his speech for a long time, and finally said: "You can go and buy one."

Robbie thought for a moment, sighed, crossed her arms and scattered the herbs to find a free place. There are too many herbs, and the leveling stones that Huaran brought her are limited, and there is not enough space to sprinkle them, so I can only add another layer on top of the first layer.

The first layer is thick enough, adding another layer, I am afraid that the rain will fall again before the herbs are dried.

Li Feng took people to pull crab pots in the river, Jiang Yixin raised his legs and followed a few steps, then changed his mind, turned around and grabbed the herbs to help Luo Bi dry. Luo Bi turned her head back: "Go and help Li Feng, maybe it will rain from the sky at any time, these herbs will probably go bad if they don't dry out, and if they dry up, they will be useless."

There is a lot of rain in Shui Xun Xing, don't look at the sun coming out of the sky at this moment, maybe the sky will change later, Jiang Yixin also feels that most of these herbs will not be exposed to the sun, he raised his head, just in time to see Lan Qiao approaching from a distance.

"Hey, hey, Luo Bi, Lan Qiao is here again." Jiang Yixin hurriedly reminded Luo Bi.

"Hey!" Luo Bi sighed, stood up and said: "This man is really lingering, quit, Jiang Yixin will accompany me to the market to buy a medicine cauldron?" Just to avoid Lan Qiao.

"Okay!" Jiang Yixin readily agreed, Hu Li and Lan Yingying are both refining medicine, it's not a problem that Luo Bi is always so idle, let's fry the furnace! Experience can be summed up by frying more times.

Jiang Yixin ran to the river to talk to Li Feng, Luo Bi washed his hands and walked towards the suspension car that Jiang Yixin usually drives, just as he opened the door, Lan Qiao called her: "Luo Bi, what are you going to do again?"

"Go to the medicine shop in the market to buy a medicine cauldron." Luo Bi replied.

"Why didn't you come back to me and you have something to do?" Lan Qiao didn't believe it, she suspected that Luo Bi was avoiding her on purpose.

Jiang Yixin ran back, opened the door, and greeted Luo Bi: "Get in the car."

"If you don't believe me, you can go with me." Luo Bi got into the car, and she didn't lie this time.

Lan Qiao hesitated, but finally got into the car, and Jiang Yixin drove all the way to the largest market in Shui Xun Xing.

During this period of time, too many major events happened in Shui Xun Xing, and the bustling market became even more lively, with people coming and going, and Luo Bi looked around, and the market was several times larger than the last time she visited.

If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. Among other things, Shui Xunxing's discovery of two large mine sources is enough to attract a large number of people to come here.

The more people there are, the more business opportunities there will be. The shops are next to each other, and the facades are bright and beautiful, and the grades are not low. Luo Bi turned her head after only one glance. Lan Qiao rarely came to the market.

"Let's go." Luo Bi shouted to Lan Qiao, who couldn't move her legs, she brought him out, and she wouldn't be able to compensate if he got lost.

"Hey! Here we come." Lan Qiao reluctantly glanced at a high-end clothing store, and then quickly ran to catch up with Luo Bi and Jiang Yixin.

There are two largest pharmacies in the market, one is the pharmacy owned by the Qishi Guild, and the other is the pharmacy of the Wu Family, both of which are from Emperor Star. Luo Bi had worked in the Zhihuangxing Witch Family Pharmacy, and she was worried that meeting acquaintances of the Witch Family would be misunderstood as greedy for cheap, so she left the Witch Family Medicine Shop and went to the Qishi Guild's Medicine Shop.

When Robbie and the others went in, the pharmacy was full of people, and most of the noisy people came to buy elixir.

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