Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1994 Colorful Beasts

The spaceship entered Qingyao from the north of the planet. There were not many people in the parking area of ​​the ship, and the hunting team had already formed a team to descend the rocky mountain.

Luo Bi and his team got off the spaceship and headed straight to the last site. The logistics team led by Zhang Cuizhu was also there, as well as the logistics team of another hunting team. They divided their territories to dig wild vegetables and look for supplies.

On the other side of Xiaolu Mountain, the hunting battlefield was very fierce, and the cooing sounds of colorful animals could be vaguely heard.

Hua Ran and Wen Xiao didn't plan to join the war, so they didn't join in the fight. There were pheasants and winged rabbits to catch, so who would put themselves in danger? Wen Xiao and the others were indifferent when they heard the commotion.

Considering that it was difficult for others to know about the bamboo sieve array, Luo Bi and his group walked a little further away.

Low shrubs and deep grass are suitable for pheasants and winged rabbits to survive. A few people picked up this environment to find territory. Because they were far away from the large hunting groups, they moved very carefully and quickly took a detour when they saw strange animals.

If you can't beat him, you can still afford to hide.

There were many of them this time, so Luo Bi had no intention of digging wild vegetables or collecting mushrooms. Those things were not the staple food. Unless they had no choice, no one would fight with wild vegetables and mushrooms. If they ate too much wild vegetables, their faces would turn green.

If he wasn't hungry and anxious, Luo Bi wouldn't be interested in letting others eat the wild vegetables and mushrooms.

Hua Ran took a fancy to a sparse forest bush. Occasionally, pheasants and winged rabbits passed by. Luo Bi also felt that it was okay to trap prey here, but this time they had many people, so they naturally had to take advantage of it.

Catching pheasants and winged rabbits one by one was too troublesome and wasted time. Originally, they set out later than others, so it would not work to finish the day just by dilly-dallying.

Luo Bi took out the bamboo sieve, looked at the bushes and said, "Brother, there are no groups of pheasants and winged rabbits. A few of them sneak under the bamboo sieve at some point. This wastes too much time."

"What do you think we should do?" Hua Ran asked.

Wen Xiao came back from a tour of the area. Jiang Yixin and Li Feng looked around. This place was inaccessible, and strange beasts would appear at any time. There were only a few people in their group, so they had to run away if they found a strange beast.

Luo Bi expressed her thoughts and arranged: "I will set up a bamboo sieve. You go and drive the pheasants and rabbits around. Once they are all gathered together, I will use the bamboo sieve to set it up."

Hua Ran thought it was feasible, so she dispersed with Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng to drive away pheasants and rabbits in the bushes. If they couldn't catch them, it was not difficult to blast them together. As they were driven away, the pheasants and rabbits jumped towards Luo Bi. Gather over there.

The Thunder Flame warriors were already very careful, but the noise still alerted a strange beast that was looking for food nearby. It screamed and flapped its wings and ran towards the bushes and grass. The screams were getting closer and closer. It was The colorful beasts are indistinguishable.

No other bird can make this sound.

Damn it, Luo Bi put away the bamboo sieve and ran away. They were catching pheasants. They didn’t know what this colorful beast was doing.

Are you a pheasant?

Luo Bi's claws were inlaid with diamonds and yet they were so indifferent. Luo Bi reacted quickly, and Hua Ran, Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Li Feng were also not slow and ran after him.

The colorful beast moved quickly and flew happily into the bushes and grass. It jumped a few times and then became confused. There was nothing in the bushes and grass. It was like running away in vain.

Luo Bi, Hua Ran and the others ran all the way in one breath. After wasting more than half an hour, they took a breath and found a bush nearby.

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