Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2000 Busy in full swing

The spaceship arrived at Zhihuang Star, and everyone separated and went home.

There was no need for the supply warehouse this time. Everyone had divided the supplies on the spaceship. There were two pheasants left. Jiang Yixin had already eaten the pheasants. This time she asked for a winged rabbit, and Wen Xiao gave it to General Qi Lan. go.

General Qi Lan had calmed down this time. After being surprised, he passed on to Lieutenant General Mi Yue. Lieutenant General Mi Yue was not calm. He made Wen Xiaotou close to him affectionately. He wanted to be as enthusiastic as possible.

Wen Xiaocai didn't want to take advantage of him. He smiled and left the Zhihuang Star headquarters.

It was just after one o'clock in the afternoon. Luo Bi returned home and threw the native pigs, pheasants, and winged rabbits on the large balcony planting field. Fengling was still at the military headquarters at this time. Luo Bi got excited and wanted to go find Fengling.

However, after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. Luo Bi went to the bedroom to take a shower, then returned to the large balcony to bask in the sun and take a nap.

Luo Bi sunbathed for a while and decided not to do anything else. She lay comfortably on the sofa chair and felt the soft sunshine to relax her whole body.

Before going to sleep, Luo Bi mentally reviewed the harvested materials. After the galaxy war season, there was a shortage of nutritional and energy ingredients, which was the case in the three major galaxies. The harvest they harvested this time were all high-grade nutritional ingredients, which was perfect for eating at home.

What to have for dinner?

Luo Bi wanted to eat grilled food and also wanted to eat braised food, so she fell asleep thinking about her.

When she woke up, Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Wen Yao brought ingredients to her house for a dinner. Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin were so excited! We actively discussed having a nice dinner together when we got off the spaceship. We were still thinking about it after we got home, so we made an appointment to come over together.

After Wen Yao heard about it, he came with him, carrying a basket of high-grade nutritious fruits. They were grown by Wen's Little Fireball. They had just been picked from the fruit trees, and the green leaves were very fresh.

Jiang Yixin brought a native pig, and Wen Xiao brought a five-pound piece of exotic animal meat.

Everyone brought the ingredients, Luo Bi was a little embarrassed, and she couldn't say the kind words on her lips: "Fengling hasn't come back yet, why don't I call him and ask him to come back early."

Wen Yao almost laughed angrily. This woman is interesting. What's wrong with Fengling not being at home? Can’t the Thunder Flame Warrior come to your door? But that's fine, Fengling doesn't have to worry about her having other thoughts.

Wen Yao sat on the sofa: "I know Fengling is in the military department. He is quite busy these days. How are your cooking skills? If Li Feng doesn't come, find someone who is good at cooking. You can do it."

Luo Bi knew as soon as she heard that Wen Yao was talking to Fengling. When Wen Yao asked her about her cooking skills, Luo Bi said directly: "I can't cook, which one of you can cook well? Don't count on me."

Jiang Yixin volunteered: "I'll come, I learned from Li Feng."

Okay, let him do it, Wen Xiao will boil the water, and Jiang Yixin will prepare the ingredients. Luo Bi didn't want to do anything, so she went over to help. During the busy work, she planned to eat a pheasant.

Wen Xiao was not polite and picked up the pheasant to clean up.

Everyone was in a good mood because they had high-grade nutritional energy ingredients to eat. This was the first time for this kind of dinner since entering the galaxy war season. Jiang Yixin took out the spices she ordered from Li Feng and was very enthusiastic about cooking.

It was said that Jiang Yixin was cooking, and everyone else was busy helping out.

The Wen family's little fire ball then came to find his own adults, and Wen Yao took it to the big balcony. The Wen family's little fire ball liked the excitement, and when he saw the kitchen being busy in full swing, he immediately joined in happily.

Luo Bi coaxed it to play with other things, but Wen's Little Fireball didn't leave. It got closer and was busier than anyone else.

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