Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2022 People’s hearts are biased

Luo Bi looked around and saw that she and her parents were separated. She was worried that the distance was getting wider and wider, so she gave up her position to let her well-paid wife move forward so that her parents could reach her.

As a result, people's hearts are biased. The well-paid wife tried her best to pull her son who was lagging behind: "Come here, come to the front, there is a seat here."

Luo Bi: "..." She was so angry that she didn't give up her position for irrelevant people.

However, she couldn't say what she was thinking, and her son with a high salary still occupied that position. Luo Bi had no choice but to say to Guan Zhuting behind her: "Follow me later, don't get distracted."

Guan Zhuting said "Ah", and as the surging crowd became more and more chaotic, it became lively. The well-paid wife took Luo Bi's words to heart, and squeezed her even when others squeezed her, without any regard for face, which was very annoying.

Luo Bi was speechless. She didn't have much strength, so she didn't plan to squeeze hard. As a result, the crowd crowded together. She didn't move and the crowd pushed her forward, and she was pushed all the way to the front.

The well-paid wife saw it and was stunned: "······?????"

She tried her best to suck the breast, but why was she still left behind? !

Guan Zhuting looked at Luo Bi who was walking forward in the distance: "..."

She had no ability to keep up. Luo Hang broke out in a sweat: "Why did Abi run ahead?"

"I also want to know how these people squeezed in?" Guan Zhuting was a little skeptical about life. She couldn't match Luo Bi's good luck: "We pushed forward hard, but we were not as good as Abi who didn't work hard."

Luo Bi was raised pampered and must not have the strength. If she said that she squeezed to the front by herself, Guan Zhuting would not believe anything she said.

The impact of the huddled crowd was too great. Luo Bi and several people were rushed into the underground city shopping mall. She blocked the momentum with her feet on the ground, and ran back by herself without the guards saying anything.

The guard looked at the child several times and gave the shopping card to Luo Bi.

Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief and took her shopping card to buy the necessary nutritional and energy ingredients. She went to the Hexian District first. The customers in this area are all wealthy people. In order to buy high-end nutritional and energy ingredients, they don’t care about their image. They saw red claw crabs rushing into a ball.

Luo Bi didn't grab it, but looked around here and there, and chose a pound of shrimps, a pound of river clams, and a pound of river clams. The ones who were rushing to buy were not as good as her who was not grabbing. She fished out two red claw crabs from the shrimp pot, and they were quite big.

Luo Bi: "······"

She was so happy that she swiped her card happily, and then went to the fresh meat section to buy exotic animal meat. The rush in the fresh meat section was similar to that in the river fresh meat section. Luo Bi gave it up when it was good, and picked up five kilograms of fresh exotic animal meat.

Lan Qiao was very crazy about her shopping. She was very embarrassed at this time. She called Luo Bi from a distance: "What level of nutritional ingredients did you buy? I bought ten kilograms of exotic animal meat, three kilograms of river shrimps, river clams, River clam."

"I bought five kilograms of animal meat." Luo Bi replied to her.

While the two were talking, Luo Yuan came over and said, "Luo Bi, can you give me some of your nutritional energy ingredients? Zhan Hui and I both need nourishment, and the small amount is not enough to eat."

"No." Luo Bi refused.

Luo Yuan bit her lower lip: "Think about it, I don't want more."

Luo Bi was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so she called Lan Qiao and left: "I haven't finished shopping yet. Let's go shopping elsewhere."

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