Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2033 Don’t understand anything

Luo Bi didn't believe this evil, so after some thought, she pulled Xue Zhijiao back and asked several people to try it one by one.

Wu Cheng took a piece of earth attribute jadeite. He didn't care at first, but when he saw Luo Bi's serious look, he took it seriously. Wu Cheng mobilized his earth power to probe into the jade stone. As you can imagine, the jade stone was extremely hard and the power could not penetrate at all.

Wu Cheng found it funny and put down the jade stone: "Xue Zhijiao, come here."

Xue Zhijiao rushed to the shelves and took a piece of fire-attribute jadeite to try. The result was that it was successful instantly. Luo Bi knew it well and asked Pei Yang to try it again. Pei Yang also succeeded in mobilizing his superpower.

Wu Cheng was shocked: "It really works! If it doesn't work, I'll try again."

Bai Juan was also eager to give it a try. The child and Wu Cheng struggled for a long time and succeeded without paying attention. Wu Cheng and Bai Juan looked at each other and whispered to each other to exchange experiences, but neither of them figured out how to succeed.

Just like that, it was successful. You said you didn't have to worry about others.

It's just that the Thunder Flame Warrior's superpowers can't control the Jadeite. Faced with a ball of Jadeite energy, Wu Cheng's eyes darkened and they didn't know what to do? However, the structure of jadeite made them novel.

The energy of the jadeite seemed to be complete, but in fact it was distributed in a messy manner. The flowing red liquid made Wu Cheng and others at a loss.

Luo Bi used her mental power to find out that the distribution of the jadeite had changed. At first glance, the jadeite seemed to be bad, but the actual distribution was different. The jadeite pattern that disrupted the energy was no longer suitable for extraction by the innate consort.

As for whether it is suitable for Thunder Flame Warrior?

Luo Bi didn't know. She had to try it to find out. How could Wu Cheng, Xue Zhijiao, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan play with jade stones? They had a headache looking at the dense lines. What was this? !

"Have you detected the red fire and energy?" Luo Bi asked Xue Zhijiao.

Xue Zhijiao didn't know anything, so he checked it out and said, "Are the red fires those small flames?"

Very good, as long as they can be separated, Luo Bi nodded: "Yes, that is red fire. The other force is energy. You try to drive them apart. This is not easy to do. You have to figure it out yourself."

After saying that, she faced Xue Zhijiao and the others and said, "You guys do the same with your jade stones."

A few people seem to understand, but to put it bluntly, they don't understand anything, and they act according to the words.

The energy of jadeite is not that easy to deal with. Wu Cheng was rushing here and there, and he was overwhelmed. He was in a hurry. Xue Zhijiao, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan also used their powers to drive away energy, and then they became a mess, and the energy ran away very quickly.

Luo Bi looked at it for a while and ignored it. She moved to the refining space opened up to prepare the refining materials. She processed the spiritual plants according to the formula she had figured out, added the jadeite and put it into the furnace.

Taking a step back, Luo Bi guided out the fire source and started refining.

Luo Bi's refining didn't matter, the furnace exploded with bang bang, which stunned the residents of the family apartment building. She was blasting the furnace, while Wu Cheng, Xue Zhijiao, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan were so worried that they couldn't use their energy, and all the jade stones were ruined.

By this time, Luo Bi finally figured out that it seemed impossible to let the Thunder Flame Warrior extract the energy liquid.

At noon, Luo Bi ordered several lunches from the restaurant, mainly meat jerky from exotic animals. Pei Yang and Bai Juan felt that this was already a good meal. Now that nutritional and energy ingredients are in short supply, the children are very content.

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