Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2057 Sitting on Rock Mountain

Luo Bi couldn't help but think, it would be great if it wasn't for the Galaxy War Season. Everyone's life was so stable before, but now everything is different.

Luo Bi couldn't help but sigh again, with various thoughts in her mind. Some time-traveling heroines are heroines, and they can always charge into battle and steal the show. No matter what the interstellar setting is, no one can match the various abilities of the time-traveling heroines.

But in reality, go ahead and dream, this is impossible.

Xu Yunjin vomited blood several times, and Qiang Gene was in a state of mania. Lan Rui admired the Thunder Flame Warriors of the Xu family very much, took the elixir and ran over to hand it over. This bottle of elixir is not to appease strong genes, but it is a elixir at least, and it is better to use it than not to use it.

Xu Yunjin thanked him and took the elixir. After a while, Xu Yunjin held the sword in his hand and went to fight again.

"Hey, don't..." Lan Rui wanted to stop him, but hesitated. He sighed helplessly and thought about going to other legions to get a bottle of elixir. It was divided into the side of the First Legion of Zhihuang Star.

Xu Shen also shouted: "Second uncle..., your strong gene is in a manic state and you can't continue fighting."

Several people knew what would happen if they continued to fight.

Xu Yunjin smiled, but the smile was a bit dazzling, and he said to his nephew: "The people in the tide of alien beasts are still waiting for reinforcements. They have helped us. My second uncle cannot sit idly by and ignore them. You must be obedient and take good care of your brothers. "

Xu Shen cried silently and nodded solemnly: "Second uncle, you must come back."

Xu Yunjin didn't want to lie to her children, so she didn't answer. She picked up her sword and walked away. All the children in the Xu family stopped moving and shed tears one by one, but no one stepped forward to stop Xu Yunjin.

The Xu family is in dire straits, but they must be kind and righteous. They helped them, and the children of the Xu family will remember it in their hearts.

Luo Bi hesitated for a moment and did not take out the colored crystal stone. It was always inappropriate for her to give the precious colored crystal stone to others without being related to her. It would be a different matter if it was a elixir, but it was a pity that she didn't have it.

Luo Bi walked away and saw Wen Yao extracting a bottle of fire attribute energy liquid, and quickly gave Wen Yao another jade stone. Several other combat team members also successfully extracted it. Luo Bi grabbed the jadeite from the carton and sent it over to save time.

At this time, everyone was mobilized. Luo Bi couldn't help with other things, so he could help with the jade stone, so it was still possible to collect the energy liquid.

During this period, Wu Shaopo came back again, moved a box of energy liquid and left in a hurry. Xiao Huoqiu helped it protect the Wu family hunting team so Shaopo had time to carry supplies, so he had to go back quickly.

As soon as Wu Shao left, Lieutenant General Mi Yue and Tang Shao brought a team of troops to help in the battle, and also brought a batch of resources and equipment.

This battle was too fierce, and the equipment and resources brought by the lieutenant general were simply not enough, and they would be gone after just one round of distribution. The little foxes are cunning, and when they find the right opportunity, they will run to the rocky mountains, making it difficult to guard against them.

Lieutenant General Mi made some arrangements and said: "Tang Shao, you sit on the rocky mountain, and I will lead the team down to participate in the battle."

Tang Shao nodded and defended Rock Mountain, Lieutenant General Mi led the team away.

At ten o'clock in the morning, waves of strange beasts gathered from all directions, and the entire Qingyao Star felt uneasy. The Thunder Flame warriors who extracted it knew very well how dangerous the next battle would be, and they were all uneasy. After supplementing with nutritious energy fruits, they accelerated the extraction speed.

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