Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2063 Xu Family Children

I went to the edge of the rocky mountain and watched for a long time. It was dark at night and I didn't see anything. Luo Bi ran back again.

It was raining heavily in the dark night, and the sound of fighting at the foot of the mountain shook the entire planet. The four legions responded to each other and coordinated their operations.

At this time, a talented bonder broke through the level in this urgent situation and actually refined three to five bottles of elixir in one furnace. The waiting sergeant was overjoyed and immediately ran to receive it and sent it to the battlefield at the foot of the rocky mountain.

On the side of the First Legion of Zhihuang Star, He Xiang, Qin Cui, Zhou Ya, and Wei Zi all broke through their own levels and refined multiple bottles of elixir in succession. He Xiang and others were overjoyed and felt that the hard work was worth it. Normally, they would not be able to refine so many elixirs in one furnace.

The team members who are fighting are also happy, but they are happy because the resources are still not enough and the demand is too great.

Wen Yao and Luo Jie added a dozen more people to their extraction team, and the amount of extraction increased a bit. The same few people were still involved in refining. Everyone was so busy that they didn't even bother to eat, so they took a quick bite in the middle of the night and continued refining. system.

Luo Bi stopped refining, and now she was helping the extraction team deliver jade stones, and now she was helping He Xiang and the others deal with spiritual and medicinal plants. Tang Shao didn't care about her, and he didn't care about Luo Bi whatever he wanted to do.

When Luo Bi felt sleepy, she said hello to Wu Cheng and ran to the spaceship to sleep.

Fengling returned to the rocky mountain and took a look. She saw Luo Bi asleep and stayed for a while watching people. Luo Bi noticed something strange, opened her eyes, and saw that Fengling's eyes were clear, and there was no hesitation at all as he had just woken up.

"Fengling." Luo Bi sat up.

Fengling raised her feet to wash the hands, then came back and sat in front of the bed. He pulled the quilt for Luo Bi and said, "The tide of alien beasts in Qingyao Star is unusual. You should sleep first. If Adjutant Meng comes tomorrow, I’ll ask him to take you back.”

Luo Bi didn't want to leave, and analyzed: "He Xiang and Zhou Ya haven't left, so it wouldn't be appropriate for me to leave! They are still gifted bonders, and I can't be considered a gifted bonder."

Fengling sighed softly: "There's nothing inappropriate. I don't trust you here."

"I'll just stay on the rocky mountain and won't go anywhere." Luo Bi still didn't want to leave. Her brothers Hua Ran and Fengling were both at Qingyao Star. She didn't feel at ease going back. Instead of doing this, it was better to stay with them.

Fengling looked at Luo Bi seriously and said without asking anyone to leave, "Just go to sleep."

Luo Bi pulled up the quilt and lay down. Fengling stayed for a while and left. Qing Yao Xing was even more dangerous at night amid the tide of alien beasts. The Thunder Flame warriors did not dare to take it lightly. With Fengling's fighting power, it was difficult to leave for too long. .

The battle lasted all night, and Luo Bi woke up the next day, hurriedly washed up and got off the spacecraft.

"I grilled exotic animal meat." A two-year-old child from the Xu family called Luo Bi.

Luo Bi paused and went to the makeshift kitchen area. The child followed with firewood in his arms.

There were not enough personnel on the battlefield, so the sergeants had no time to cook, so the children of the Xu family took on the job of cooking. The older children handled the exotic animals, the younger ones boiled water and carried firewood, and the youngest ones were responsible for roasting the meat of the exotic animals.

The youngest was two or three years old and was staggering when he walked. Luo Bi couldn't understand why the head of the Xu family was taking such a young child on a mission. Not only the Xu family, but also other families, such as the Zhu family, Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingjiao also went on missions.

Luo Bi wanted to ask several times but didn't have the nerve to ask the children of the Zhu family. Her eyes fell on the children of the Xu family. It seemed inappropriate to ask this question.

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