Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2068 This one was a success

Luo Bi stared at the refining flames in trance, feeling strange in her heart.

It's been an hour and it hasn't exploded yet? ? ? ? ?

If it doesn't explode after a while, is this batch a success? !

Thinking of the possibility of successfully refining the elixir, Luo Bi was excited and her heart beat faster, but she couldn't help but worry.

What refining materials did she put in? Think about it quickly, but don't forget it. The more Luo Bi thought about it, the less she could remember. She put the jade stone, the jade stone, the fire tea branch, and the flame wood.

What else is coming?

Damn, Luo Bi doesn't want to think about it anymore, she has a headache.

Sighing, Luo Bi thought about what type of elixir she might refine this time. The roars of strange beasts from the direction of Xiaolu Mountain kept coming, interspersed with the sound of fighting, and her heart was pounding.

Wen Xiao personally came to get the energy liquid and elixir. There were ten bottles of energy liquid and four bottles of elixir. Any more would be gone.

Qin Cui looked at the furnace and said: "I refined this furnace very quickly. Do you want to wait for a while? It will save you another trip."

Wen Xiao thought about it. He just happened to eat more food and walked towards the kitchen area: "Then I'll wait."

After walking out for a while, Wen Xiao suddenly remembered that Luo Bi had not blown up the furnace for more than an hour. He felt puzzled and turned to the bamboo pavilion where Luo Bi was refining. This bamboo pavilion is not big and is made of fresh bamboo. It is very green and eye-catching.

"You haven't exploded this furnace yet. Is it a success?" Wen Xiao asked, looking at the furnace curiously. This is a medicine cauldron. If it succeeds, it will be a bottle of elixir.

Wen Xiao didn't expect Luo Bi to be able to refine two to three bottles of elixir at one time. Whether it was before or after the galaxy war season, it would be fine if Luo Bi didn't blow up the furnace. Wen Xiao didn't dare to think about it.

"It should be successful?" Luo Bi was not sure. She adjusted the flame to a low flame, leaned back on the chair and said, "It will be successfully refined in ten minutes, and the furnace has not exploded yet."

Wen Xiao heard that the master himself had no skills. He guessed that he was not in a hurry to eat, so he sat down and planned to accompany Luo Bi and wait.

"Why don't you go fight?" Luo Bi asked him.

Wen Xiao said: "Don't worry, I'll see if you can succeed in this one."

Wen Xiao was not anxious, but Luo Bi was anxious. She said depressedly: "I don't even know what kind of elixir I have refined."

"As long as it's a magical medicine." Wen Xiao didn't dislike it at all.

Luo Bi stopped talking. She was worried about exploding the furnace, so she controlled the flames to a gentle state. At this moment, she didn't dare to find out the situation of the furnace, and was thinking about it in her mind. Wen Xiao sat beside him and didn't bother her.

Wu Cheng counted the time and ran to the bamboo pavilion: "Luo Bi, did you succeed in refining this furnace?"

It's too early to say this, Luo Bi said: "Not yet, just wait, we will know in a few minutes."

Wu Cheng thought of Luo Bi's habit of blowing up the stove, and became nervous: "Use a low fire. It's not easy to blow up the stove."

Needless to say, Luo Bi was attentive enough this time. Just as she was about to answer the question, the alchemy cauldron began to convulse and shake wildly. Oh my god, this is going to blow up the road. Luo Bi quickly got up and ran.

Wu Cheng was startled, and his reaction was a little slower: "Weren't you fine just now? Why are you running? You are not refining to only blow up others but not yourself."

"Stop nagging, didn't you notice that this time is different?" Luo Bi asked Wu Cheng to run away: "The furnace is shaking."

Wu Cheng glanced at the furnace and was very puzzled: "Didn't you stumble around in the furnace before?"

Who cares about him? Wen Xiao followed and ran out of the bamboo pavilion.

At this moment, a "bang" sound was heard, and the furnace exploded.

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