Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2071 Just use the big one

Luo Bi fiddled with it for a long time, but finally had no choice but to throw the refining materials into the furnace cauldron, cover the cauldron lid and refine it.

She just wanted to see what would happen? As a result, the flame cauldron exploded as soon as she guided it out, and both cauldrons were broken. Luo Bi kicked it angrily. After refining the furnace cauldron, it couldn't be used. It was better to blow up the furnace.

Wu Cheng went to fight and was surprised when he heard the sound of the furnace exploding. This time it exploded a bit faster. It probably exploded just after refining.

Roger's expression didn't change. He didn't say not to let Luo Bi refine it. He just let Luo Bi do whatever he wanted. At worst, the furnace would explode into the sky. It's not like Luo Bi had done this before. The work of extraction was not easy. Every Leiyan warrior looked tired. Xue Zhijiao, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan could no longer hold on.

You have to hold on even if you can't hold on. No one dares to slack off when the beast tide comes.

The four legions advanced the battlefield for a while, and then were forced back to the foot of the rocky mountain by the tide of alien beasts. This repeated, and everyone was extremely anxious. They replenished equipment and resources and rushed for a while, but made no progress.

The little fox beast and the little pig beast took the opportunity to attack the rocky mountain. Tang Shao led the team to intercept and kill them in the rain, causing chaos on the mountain and below.

The rain started to fall even harder, so Luo Bi went for a walk again. Knowing the tension of the battle, she ran back to the bamboo pavilion and threw out a new furnace. This is a medicine cauldron. It's solid and bigger than the medicine cauldron just now. Luo Bi uses the big one.

After walking around for a while, Luo Bi figured it out. She was not good at refining the Eight Classics, so she might be able to get it right by practicing blindly.

In this case, she didn't care about the quantity of refining materials, just grabbed a handful and put them in.

This time, the main materials are jadeite and jadeite. Other refining materials are optional. Luo Bi doesn't have to remember the specific formula. He just relies on his feeling and adds a few transformation crystals.

After guiding the flames out, Luo Bi ran out of the bamboo pavilion to help the extraction team, ran back for a while to adjust the fire, and then ran away again. Tang Shao looked at it and frowned, no wonder the furnace was exploding. It would be strange if the furnace didn't explode without adjusting it.

Luo Bi was surprised that the furnace didn't explode after an hour, so she stayed in the bamboo pavilion for a while and then ran away.

After another hour, Luo Bi was worried, so she ran back to the bamboo pavilion and removed the flames. The furnace was successful, but she didn't know whether the refined medicine, an array weapon, or an array disk was refined.

After refining the cauldron once, Luo Bi felt unsure.

Wu Cheng was even more anxious than her and ran over: "We didn't explode the furnace this time. What kind of elixir did you refine?"

"I don't know either. I was practicing blindly." Luo Bi was worried that it was useless again. She was inexplicably nervous before opening the cauldron. After calming down, she used a towel to cushion the cauldron and lifted the lid.

Taking a look at it, Luo Bi was speechless. It was the furnace again.

"What is this?" Wu Cheng was stunned: "How come the weapon was refined in the medicine refining cauldron?"

Who do you ask this? Luo Bi didn't know that the furnace hadn't cooled down yet, so she saw that it was the furnace and stopped moving.

No one cares about refining the furnace, but she is not in a hurry.

Thunder Flame warriors are not afraid of heat. Wu Cheng put a towel on the table and took out the small refining cauldrons one by one. There were five small and exquisite ones in total. If Wu Cheng was not mistaken, they were all medicine refining cauldrons.

Wu Cheng: “·······”

He fiddled with the medicine-refining cauldron and looked at it again and again, and was very surprised: "Luo Bi, your medicine-refining cauldron is obviously a medicine-refining cauldron. How come you made a weapon for it? The high-level gifted disciples use the medicine-refining cauldron when refining the cauldron. Weapon Refining Cauldron, no matter what you do, you are not like others."

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