Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2078 Don’t follow this trick

The nearby hunting team fought continuously for nearly a day and two nights. By this time, they were exhausted. When they saw the reinforcements, they quickly fought and evacuated. The children and women on the hill were protected in the middle. After the beast tide was out, they were placed on the small rocky hill next to them. .

As the sky darkened, Yan Lao rushed up the rocky mountain like a gust of wind, looking for his aunt everywhere.

"Your aunt is over there at the Bamboo Pavilion." Xu Cheng pointed to the Yan spoon.

The Flame Spoon ran towards the bamboo pavilion. Xu Cheng shouted and ran onto the rock platform: "Luo Bi, the Flame Spoon is back."

Luo Bi heard the shout and looked over. When Yan Lao ran over, she quickly asked: "How is my brother?"

Waving the flame spoon with her little hand, Luo Bi understood that Hua Ran was relatively safe, but she was definitely among the alien beasts. Luo Bi felt relieved. Considering that equipment and resources were indispensable in battle, she immediately asked Tang Shao for energy liquid and elixir.

Without saying a word, Tang Shao gave fifty bottles of energy liquid and elixir, and also took the initiative to give five jade stones with thunder and lightning properties. He put the flame spoon into the storage ring and left in a hurry.

Luo Bi stood in the bamboo pavilion, sighing and trying to refine a piece of equipment.

She is not good at extracting energy liquid, she can only damage the jade stone, let alone refining the elixir, she is close to blowing up the cauldron. However, he had no idea how to refine equipment, and he didn't know if it would work blindly.

Li Feng came up from the rocky mountain, moved a box of ingredients to the bamboo pavilion and asked Luo Bi: "What do you want to eat? The fresh vegetables and duck meat just delivered by the admiral, what do you think of eating me?" How to do it."

Luo Bi was flattered: "No, it's still early for Zhang Luo to eat!"

The battle was fierce on the battlefield yesterday, and everyone could hardly think about eating. Today, they just made do with each other, and whoever had time went to eat something. No one was bothered by anyone just to eat. Li Feng was so accommodating that Luo Bi was frustrated.

Thinking of the five stoves, Li Feng didn't think it was early to cook: "Why is it early? If I hadn't been on a mission, I would have eaten early. The lieutenant general told me that we don't have other good things, just a few stir-fry dishes and exotic dishes." There is still animal meat, what do you want to eat?”

Li Feng opened the carton and waved Luo Bi over to pick out: "The freshly picked vegetables include green peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers, and there is no shortage of seasonings. How about I fry two vegetables for you, add less oil and make them lighter."

Luo Bi's mouth twitched: "When has this happened? Why are you so idle?"

Li Feng also twitched the corner of his mouth and held it up high. Luo Bi didn't accept this trick. What do you think this is saying? They specially prepared delicious food for her. She said that she was free and had such a bad temper.

Li Feng was waiting for Luo Bi to tell him what he liked to eat so that he could arrange it. Luo Bi asked, "Can steamed wild vegetables be used?"

Li Feng didn't have time, so forget it. At this time, the beast tide was overwhelming, which was not the time to order food. Luo Bi still had this kind of vision.

"Steaming wild vegetables?" Li Feng's voice was distorted.

Luo Bi looked at him, what's wrong with him? Li Feng chuckled: "Okay, just steam the wild vegetables. I'll smash two garlic cloves for you and make a sauce. The wild vegetables are all ready-made. I'll dig a handful now."

But don't, Luo Bi stopped him: "The wild vegetables have been trampled by the tide of alien beasts, forget it, I won't eat steamed wild vegetables, you can figure it out by yourself! I want to think about refining equipment, I can eat anything, don't Excuse me."

When Li Feng heard that Luo Bi wanted to refine equipment, he felt happy. He didn't ask Luo Bi to refine any powerful equipment. He could just refine five alchemy cauldrons at the right time.

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