Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2083 She is so smart

Luo Bi continued: "I made a medicine refining cauldron before. I tried it myself and it exploded just after refining it. So I thought that the cauldron used by Thunder Flame Warriors is not suitable for gifted bonders. You haven't seen me. All you talk about is your mouth but not your hands? From the beginning to the end, I didn’t even touch the small medicine cauldron.”

Not to mention, Wu Cheng really knew about this: "Yes, Luo Bi refined a larger medicine cauldron, but it was blown up later."

Finally she had a clue. When Luo Bi said it, she brought Wu Cheng along with her. How could anyone not believe it?

No one would try to play with the remaining two small alchemy cauldrons even if they didn't believe it.

Wei Yu secretly curled his lips, turned around, washed his hands, and came back to sort the spiritual plants and medicinal plants: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have asked He Xiang and the others. I wasted so much time that I couldn't use them at all."

Roger gave a few instructions and went to extract it again. Xue Zhijiao blew up the small alchemy cauldron and was listless. Wei Yu would not let him idle and ordered Xue Zhijiao to deal with the spiritual plants and medicinal plants, freeing up Wucheng to help Luo Bi.

Luo Bi likes to have someone with her, talking about the best things while working. She happily greeted Wu Cheng: "I want to refine equipment, you bring a box of refining materials, and we can choose what kind to use."

Wu Cheng was so busy that he hadn't eaten yet, so he took a bite of the dried meat from the exotic beast and glanced at it: "Which box should I move? Can the ones used by Xue Zhijiao be used? There are two boxes of refining materials, but they have not been opened."

"I can use it if it's opened." Luo Bi saw that Xue Zhijiao liked it, and she didn't dislike her classmate. She went over to carry the refining materials with Wu Cheng: "You eat first, and I will carry it myself."

"There's no rush to eat." Wu Cheng was about to put away the dried meat from the exotic beasts. It was so dry that it was hard to swallow without water. He could drink it with water when he was free later.

Xue Zhijiao came over and stacked two boxes of refining materials: "I'll do it. No one can survive without eating."

Wu Cheng was not polite to his classmates and continued to eat the dried meat from the alien beasts. Xue Zhijiao moved two boxes of refining materials to Luo Bi's refining space, and came back to help Luo Bi pack up the scattered refining materials.

Luo Bi waved her hand: "No, I'll clean it up myself. You can go do other things!"

Just as Xue Zhijiao was about to leave, Luo Bi called him back and whispered, "Don't feel bad because you blew up the small alchemy cauldron. I'm used to blowing up furnaces all the time. I'll give it a try when I'm free." Make a small medicine refining cauldron."

"Have you remembered the recipe?!" Xue Zhijiao asked.

Luo Bi: "······"

"I thought about it slowly and then I remembered it." Luo Bi had an impression. She would try to figure it out when she was free. She didn't believe she couldn't figure it out.

Her brain works very well, she can't remember things she should remember, and she can remember things clearly that shouldn't be remembered.

Xue Zhijiao believed it for the time being. Wei Yu divided the processed spiritual plants and medicinal plants into different categories and turned around and said, "Luo Bi, you don't have enough refining materials to take from me. When you use them up, ask Tang Shao for them."

You see, this makes people feel so comfortable hearing it, much better than Zhou Yake. Luo Bi smiled and nodded: "Oh, I know, I haven't figured out how to refine it yet? It doesn't use too many materials."

Wei Yu didn't say any more, and started refining with supernatural fire.

Luo Bi thought about it. To equip an offensive weapon, the materials required must not be mainly soft. She chose over and over again, but suddenly changed her mind and picked out some spiritual and medicinal plants that were very tonic.

The more Wu Cheng looked at it, the more something was wrong: "Dried red dates are needed to refine equipment???"

Equipment and big red dates are irrelevant!

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