Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2092 Don’t give me sugar cane

Qin Cui hesitated and gave all his good things to Meng Chi.

Wei Zi rummaged through the storage bracelet and gave it to Meng Chi. Zhou Ya and Jiang Rao were thoughtful and gave them a few pieces of equipment and array devices, then said they were gone and that was all.

Jiang Xi'er could talk, but she said the same thing: "This is the equipment I carry with me. I also have a few array disks and array devices at home. It's a pity that the water from far away can't quench the thirst of the people nearby, otherwise I would definitely help with all my money."

How could Meng Chi not see what they were thinking? He immediately turned cold and said, "Don't say that. If you and Zhou Ya look again, there may be too many things in the storage and you may not find any equipment. In fact, go back and get it." It’s not far away. It’s said that raising an army takes a thousand days but it only takes a moment, so the military department is pointing to you to help.”

Jiang Xi'er was silent and found a few array disks and array equipment. Zhou Ya was reluctant to part with it, but she had no choice. She would not mess around without doing anything at this time, so she reluctantly took the array disks and array equipment to Meng. Chi.

Meng Chi went to another bamboo pavilion and said to Luo Bi: "What you refined before can no longer be used. I heard that you refined something to eat. Don't give me sugar cane. Sugar cane is useless. Everyone It won’t work either.”

Luo Bi: "······"

You actually dislike sugar cane? Luo Bi thought for a while and then said, "Wait a minute, I'll find someone to come with me to try how to use the sugar cane? It's already been refined and can't be eaten, so there's no use keeping it."

Don't you want this? !

Meng Chi felt a sudden thought, but if he gave him sugar cane, it would be of no use to him! Thinking about it, Meng Chi said: "That's okay, you go and try it. It's made from the ingredients of Dabu. It should be edible, but you can't eat it, and they won't use it if it's given to the combat team members."

Everyone knew Luo Bi's temper. She would take out all the good things she had. Seeing that she had no other equipment, Meng Chi asked Wei Yang to send the array plates, array devices, and equipment down the rocky mountain.

The Wu family's troops all charged into the tide of alien beasts. Wu Cheng stayed on the rocky mountain absentmindedly, so Luo Bi asked him to try out the use of sugar cane. Wu Cheng was worried about his clan members, and Luo Bi was also worried about her brother Hua Ran. The reason why she was not in a hurry like Wu Cheng was because she still had the array disks and array weapons.

In desperation, she tried them one by one, not believing that any of them worked.

Even so, Luo Bi was still flustered. As soon as she told Wu Cheng, Wu Cheng agreed.

Roger's high-intensity extraction of superpowers was so exhausting that his body couldn't hold on any longer. He was about to take a rest when he heard that Luo Bi was going to try the use of sugar cane, so he called Wei Wei, who was also tired, to follow him.

Wei Yu can fight, so it's not a bad idea to call him.

"Where should we try?" Wei Yu asked as he pressed his throbbing forehead and walked out of the bamboo pavilion.

Luo Bi had already thought about it. She said: "The refined sugar cane is too conspicuous. I don't want people to laugh at it. It won't work in a crowded place. I want to try it in a farther place. What do you think?" "

Almost all of the dozens of nearby rocky mountains are occupied by troops from various forces. Others will know what you do. Luo Bi is bothered by this. However, the rocky mountains where the army is stationed are not safe, and it is even less safe to go far away.

Wei Yu frowned and leaned on the bamboo nearby.

Roger disagreed: "Wei Wei and I are still busy. If we go to the rocky mountain farther away, we have to fight over it. Going back and forth will take too much time. In my opinion, we should try here first to see if sugar cane can import supernatural powers. Just forget it if you can’t import superpowers.”

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