Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2094: How perfunctory should you be?

Luo Bi didn't know how to use the sugar cane array for a while, so she pointed at the sugar cane and said to Tang Shao: "Try to find a larger alien beast to attack and see if it is an offensive type."

Small alien beasts are not cost-effective. It is always a one-time attack, and of course it is to attack large alien beasts.

Tang Shao didn't have any objections. This place was on a rocky mountainside, with only cunning little fox beasts and eye-catching little pig beasts hanging around. There weren't any large exotic beasts.

The edge of the rocky mountain is a good location. You don't have to go down the rocky mountain. You can pick a strange beast to attack from a high position.

The premise is that the sugar cane array is powerful. If it is not powerful and it is not offensive, then it will be useless.

Tang Shao stretched out his hand and picked up the sugar cane from the air. Just as he was heading to the edge of the rocky mountain, a sergeant came down the mountain and looked over curiously. As expected, Luo Bi's expression changed. She didn't want people to know that the sugar cane belonged to her.

Whether it's an array device or an ordinary device, Luo Bi just doesn't want to, it bothers her.

Tang Shao's face became solemn, his sharp eyes swept over, and the sergeant immediately ran away.

With this revelation, the sergeant no longer dared to be curious. Tang Shao was surrounded by soldiers and could be trusted.

Luo Bi felt relieved because she was worried about her brother Hua Ran, cousin Luo Huan, and Patriarch Luo. Luo Bi was very angry and wanted to lose her temper at every turn.

But now the battle is ahead, who is she angry at?

If others want to get angry, no one will be in a good mood.

Therefore, when she was angry with herself, Luo Bi felt so choked up that she would get angry even if she was slightly stimulated.

Luo Bi knew that this wouldn't work, so she kept enduring it, but it was hard to endure her temper. Luo Bi let out a breath, raised her feet and followed Tang Shao's team to the edge of the rocky mountain.

It's empty here, no grass.

Wu Cheng kept thinking about how to use the sugar cane and throw it out as half a piece of wood?

He imagined it for a moment and felt uncertain.

There was a small platform on the edge of the rocky mountain. Everyone stood still. Tang Shao chose a position with a wide view, sent the sugar cane into the air, and then raised the jade sword and looked for the target from a high position.

At this time, the sun was dazzling, and his vision could be seen further. Luo Bi looked out from a distance, and what he saw was a wave of murderous alien beasts. Humans were extremely small among them, and women and children on the top of the rocky mountain could still be vaguely seen.

Luo Bi panicked, and there were more people to worry about. From her perspective, not only the team trapped in the tide of alien beasts might die, but also the lives of reinforcements entering the tide of alien beasts could be in danger at any time.

what to do?

She quickly helped Tang Shao find his target in the tide of alien beasts.

Wu Cheng pointed at a large, bull-like alien beast: "That alien beast is big, attack that one."

"No, that large alien beast is a bit far away, so it may not be able to attack, so pick a close one." Luo Bi had already taken a good look at it. Among the alien beasts that had attacked the defense team, one of them was the most eye-catching, just like a human. After shooting the first bird, she pointed with her hand and said: "Just this strange beast, don't let it get close to the rocky mountain."

Tang Shao squinted his eyes and made a movement with his sword to attack the sugar cane array.

As a result, the sugar cane was washed away and stopped moving.

Tang Shao: "·······"

He attacked again, and Sugar Cane rushed again, moving less than a foot away twice. He was as perfunctory as he wanted.

This is not quite right!

Wu Cheng was confused and urged Tang Shao loudly: "You should attack!"

He was so anxious that he was busy thinking about things and didn't pay attention to whether Tang Shao attacked or not.

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