Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2096 She threw it

Wu Cheng leaned over and tried once, but Ganzhe still didn't attack.

Well, now, the promising alien beasts have escaped again. The problem is that these promising alien beasts are large in size and have high combat power. Once they attack the rocky mountain, the combat team will inevitably have another fierce battle.

Luo Bi had a bad temper, and she became very motivated. She stretched out her hand and said, "Make the sugar cane lower so I can't reach it."

"What are you going to do?" Wu Cheng didn't know why.

Roger held his forehead and didn't even look at it. A group of people were struggling together, but they didn't even know how to use the array. It would make people laugh to death. Wei Yu was also preparing to refine it. Tang Shao squinted at the tide of alien beasts and analyzed the battle situation, estimating the possibility of reaching Xiaolu Mountain before dark.

"Hurry up and lower the sugar cane." Luo Bi said in a choked tone. If the sugar cane wasn't an array weapon, she wouldn't have cared about it. But it was clearly an array weapon and she didn't attack. Isn't that annoying?

Wu Cheng held the sword and lowered the sugar cane. Luo Bi took it in his hand and threw it towards the strange beast closest to the rock mountain.

"Eh? Eh..." It was too late for Wei Yu to stop him, the sugar cane had already been thrown out.

That was an array weapon. Roger took a step forward to take a look. After all, Luo Bi was weak and the sugar cane was not thrown with much force, so it rolled and flew down.

Don't you want to attack?

She throws it to see if you attack or not?

Even without the array function, it is still possible to hit strange beasts. Luo Bi has been warlike since she was a child. She would never speak up if she could do something, and she would vent her anger first before speaking.

The sugar cane was not strong enough when it fell, so it did not hit the alien beasts and fell into a scattered group of alien beasts.

Roger, Wei Yu, and Tang Shao took a closer look, and their pupils shrank suddenly. They all rushed down to pick it up. After all, sugar cane is also an array weapon. Even if it is left unused, it cannot be thrown away.

They haven't taken any action yet. Sugarcane itself feels it's inappropriate. It hasn't done anything yet. What if no one wants it?

Sugar Cane jumped up and ran back by himself.

The sugar cane flew above Wucheng, was placed neatly, and then stopped moving.

This miraculous operation was so eye-opening that everyone was dumbfounded. Even experienced senior officers like Luo Jie, Wei Wei, and Tang Shao were unable to recover at this moment.

They are all like this, not to mention the soldiers, all of them look like they have been struck by lightning, their foreheads are dripping with tears, are they really good at playing with this formation weapon? You all know that you are running back, and you are spiritually enlightened, right? !

Roger reacted for a while, then hesitantly said: "This sugar cane array device is spiritually enabled???!!"

Roger knew in his heart that it was impossible, but he still asked.

Wei Yu also had this question. He was very close. He reached out and took the sugar cane into his hand and checked it. He was stunned and said, "Lingzhi is not activated."

"Can it fly back on its own without turning on its spiritual intelligence?" Roger didn't believe it. He took the sugar cane and checked it again. Then he was speechless for a long time and returned the sugar cane to Luo Bi: "The arrays you refined are all evil, what? There are all kinds of things, we have no choice, so don’t do anything else, just think about how to use the sugar cane array!"

Luo Bi: "······"

Everyone was too busy to do anything, so it was not good to waste too much time for an array device that had no idea whether it had attack capabilities. Roger and Wei Wei returned to the rocky mountain platform high up, while Tang Shao led the team to inspect.

Wu Cheng stayed and asked Luo Bi: "What kind of array have you refined? Can you use it?"

Who do you ask this? Luo Bi ignored Wu Cheng.

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